The tables are turned on Alex Rosen as plant cause and trespasses him for harassing worker with his accusations against Andrew

      Woody Underwood

      For once the pig known as Alex Rosen had the tables turned as coworkers of a young 21-year-old man named Andrew called the police and made Alex Rose and flee the property. Alex Rosen is this disgusting guy who extorts men who he goes after on the internet pretending to be underage people which then Alex Rose confronts them with full copies hundreds of sheets of their text messaging and then tries to extort and harass them. In addition.. in addition this pig tries to incriminate them pretending to be a friend and one who

understands and trying to get them counseling when in fact he and his PPPD YouTube channel team attempt to incriminate and get these people arrested for essentially texting and talking over the internet. Very few of these people that Alex Rosen rocks and harasses often gets arrested because of Alex and most would not actually meet someone young. Yet for this

psychopath who gets his rocks off and attempting to cancel and ruin people's lives. Mr Axel Rosen does not get enough criticism all while trying to get the accolades and pretending to go after child predators. In reality this fat fuck wants to live for free and have this gig in doing something police should do and not private citizens trying to set up people and clearly Rosen is a dip

snitch whop should have some stiches. doing is trying to get clicks and he has he travels the country for free grifting off people's outrage that's there are a few individuals who might try to meet young people for sex off the internet, however the vast majority of people that Alex Rosen goes after are just people confused or not aware likely misled by this extortionist and scumbag known fat meat head known as Alex Rosen.

       Rosen and tried to incriminate a smart and Sassy 21-year-old name Andrew and for 15 minutes he failed and trying to get Andrew the incriminate himself about talking to some boy which Andrew told him that he thought was 16 years old naturally the fat head liar Alex Rosen try to make claims without evidence that Andrew knew the person was much younger and the amount of homophobia that Alex Rose and does when especially when he goes after men who talk to younger men on the Internet is early reprehensible to say that Alex Rosen is a homophobic piece of fat shit would be understated and this disgusting grifter who just travels the country for free while I'm setting up people off the internet off telegram or Grindr is the real motivation there is no motivation to go after actual

present child Predators but what Alex Rosen does is trying to go after people who are just texting and not very serious online and trying to incriminate them in front of cameras while misleading them as he talks to them to say that Alex Rosen and his team are scumbags is an understatement and it was good to see the tables turn as the workers of Andrew stood up for Andrew of the harassment  Alex Rosen was giving knocking on the door and trying to tell people that there's a pedophile inside. Human relations came out and told Alex Rosen that they don't want to get involved and that he needs to get off the property and Mr Rosen refused for several minutes and continue to try to talk to everyone entering the plant and to talk about Andrew. Eventually human resources turned the tables on fattie and they were filming this sorry fat ass jack and some of Andrew's co-workers came out and started filming this fat fucker Alex Rosen and may mention that they had called the police which had Alex Rosen flee in his SUV. The police pulled Alex Rosen over and talk to him and told him he had been trespassing could not return to the plant and again it was great to see in this latest Alex Rosen video for the tables be turned and this extortion racket and harassing homophobia turn on the tables of the fat ass of Alex Rosen. We highly recommend this video and call out Alex Rosen for his homophobia and grifting with his ridiculous extortion Racket and incriminating ridiculous YouTube channel as this idiot should be removed off YouTube

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