Unable to hold her laughter Fox News Beauty Tomi Lahren unable to hold back and not laugh she is surrounded by clowns Cenk Uygur and Brian Cohen in debate on Pierson Morgan show

  Ryne "Bozo" Bosworth

    Fox news Beauty Tomi Lahren couldn't help her facial expressions laughing and making funny faces at the stupidity of the debate panel the other day on the Pierson Morgan program .Pearson Morgan had with Tony Lahren and the two Knuckleheads known as Tyler Brian Cullen who is an extreme Joe Biden Democrat Party operative and the Young Jerks host known as Jank Kreuger who's a morbidly disgusting Islamist running a one of the biggest left-wing propaganda channel imaginable. The ogre number 45,  who played college football and Adams College, came on and did his

usual crying and crocodile tearing about the Gods of War and how many Palestinians have been killed in Israel's war against terrorists along its borders. Cenk along with Tomi Lahren mocked and bashed Joe Biden and both agreed that this man is a failed presidency and is not deserving of another 4 years and by most accounts in 4 years Joe Biden will be taking and have been taking a long dirt nap. Despite his advanced age and obvious dementia Brian Cohen Tyler tried to deny that Joe Bozo is fighting dementia and as usual Tyler tries to spin it like many left-wing propagandists on YouTube. 

       Tomi Loren could barely keep her posture composure as she had to listen to these two clowns Ogre and Cohen talk their usual nonsense and both Tomi Lahren and Pierce Morgan had to counter and correct the numerous lies of The Young Turks host and this idiot propagandist who goes under his own media channel called "No Lies" with Brian Cohen Tyler. The problem is Brian Tyler likes to lie out of his fucking ass whenever he either tweets, goes to X, does a Tick Tok video, goes on Instagram, does a Facebook post, or films one of his hit pieces against republicans on his YouTube channel wearing a $6,000 suit that he figures people will respect more his massive propaganda

and misinformation and misinformative type of vlog.  Lauren Tomi founded amusing to be in the middle sandwich between these three stooges as indeed Morgan is as stupid if not more than Jake Uygur and Brian Tyler Cohen and together the three of them argued with  each other while all vilifying Donald Trump. Tomi Loren went on to defend the great former president against these three

clowns and this is a great debate to watch. I would highly recommend that people zoom in and just watch Tomi Lorenz beautiful face so they don't have to see these three other idiots on the panel and this is the best way to watch this 20 minute debate of the Piers Morgan show. Brian Tyler Collins

performance still was really egregious as this idiot is getting more and more notoriety for the bogus and egregious lies that this man represents as a radical member of the far left make no mistake. Brian Tyler Cohen with fit right in with his Soviet propaganda Pravda the armies of 100 years ago of Vladimir Lenon minus the suit. This banking jagoff Tyler Cohen looks like a slick greaseball looks both like a international corrupt investment banker and a little Leprechaun all wrapped up into one. To say that I hate Tyler Brian Cohen would be an understatement and the more that this idiot gets bashed by others the happier I am when I run across it

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