Video tape of Hamas Father and Son terrorist confession should stamp out All Hamas protests

     Sammy Hamcheck

    A confession video of these two Islamic scum in Gaza should stamp out all Hamas protests globally. It appears the Hamas mass protest around the world is slowly being defunded , funding drying up, and they losing money and they are hemorrhaging the ability to continue their outrageous and wasteful intimidation protests in the streets of America and around the world. When people look in world history they will look at these Hamas protests as a outrageous sign of evil that existed at this moment in time and there's certain individuals would be so crooked, corrupt, and sick in their head that they quite literally would take the streets and protest and support of a vile and despicable disgusting Nazi like

organized terrorist organizations such as Hamas. Israel recently released two interrogations of a sick father and son who raped and murdered numerous Jewish women during the October 7th brutality that global Islam and the funding of terrorist organizations in Palestine and Lebanon has caused suffering and pain for the people of Israel. The massive response set off a concentrated protest effort on the ground in funding of the most radical and lunatics in our society in the West. This explains the large crowds that thankfully seem to be thinning out and are on their way out and into the Dustbin of World History.

       The disgusting terror organization who rapes and murders women in a systematic campaign of terror has it supporters Pro Hamas Western people along with their Brown supremacist Muslim Islamists who protested and took the streets in the West while looking the other way and condone the brutality and mass rape and slaying of these walking demons of Palestinians that occur in October 7th. This barbarian Viking and Zulu typer evil attack has caused a massive Israeli response that put all these moronic insane people on the streets in the first place.  A father and son members of Hamas named were interrogated

and they described the disturbing and sickening details of the Hamas attack and the targeting of young and middle age breeding women of Israel for the brutality that occurred on October 7th and 8th. The number of women raped in brutally murdered by these two of these maniacs among many others was one of world history's most brutal campaigns and Israel has every right and determination to stamp and kill every member of Hamas and Hezbollah and they are well on their way. The United States need to support this goal of Israel is this interrogation should be released in fully embedded into the minds of the American people and the West in general of the brutality and sickness of Hamas actions on October 7th much more brutal than what we saw in concentration camps and capable of the German World War II era soldiers. 

      Hamas is pure scum and evil and they are getting their just due in a brutal retribution war from Israel against these demonic animals and this evidence of the Father and Son describing in disturbing detail what had occurred October 7th and how they brutally raped and murdered women and little girls to death should be headline news/ The image of these two should be captured and put alongside the other evils of the 20th century from Charles Manson to Adolf Hitler and  make no mistakes the psychopaths who were

protesting for Hamas on the streets of America ,South America, Europe, Australia, and throughout the world are dangerous and mentally sick individuals. these evil individuals know full well the extent of the damage that Hamas and Islamic terrorists are capable of and what they have done to people in the past well before October 7th whether being in Israel, Europe, or North America. These demonic walking demons who supported Hamas need to be investigated targeted, tagged, identified, and reported perhaps even subjugated away from the rest of society slowly . the slow process of a identifying and prosecuting these people like to January 6th needs to occur...pronto.

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