Anti-Trump grifter and media horror S.E Cupp scups in by Joe Biden failure

     Manny Wojak

      Perhaps there is no more egregious propagandists in our media than SE Cupp who claims to be a Republican and that she has switched to the Democrats because of Donald Trump. This sick Woman's obsession and lies against Donald Trump and her lies of threat to democracy started from day one when Mr Trump decided to run for president and make no mistake SS Cupp is a media whore and a fake Republican. This woman is a woke Democrat despite her claims and this disgusting jackass of a woman has been given a large platform through the years to spread her filthy propaganda and hate against Donald Trump. With this in mind SE Cupp has called for Joe Biden to step down as even a far-left

lunatic and huge Biden supporter like this whore knows that Joe Biden is going to get trashed and the Democrats need to replace him Pronto. SE Scum is such a propagandist for Joe Biden and a sycophant and even his horrible debate performance was too much and she could not defend the continued failures of Joe Biden and the stupid members of his administration. Indeed this horrible syndicate a writer

admitted that Joe Biden has been terrible for the economy and all aspects of his administration. Yet SE Slut is suffering from such Trump Deranged Syndrome that she would still be willing to support and not come over on Trump's side. This woman is a clear and present danger to our democracy and media fascists such as her represent the worst aspects of the partisan and bias media scup is a CNN or who likely spread her cheeks for Van Jones and this horrible Sinbad of a woman it's always deserving of

ridicule and we will always do it whenever an opportunity comes. In fact, the reason I put pictures on the sidebars to remember to go after people and much like Lee Camp, SE Cupp is a worthless and stupid whore who is easily forgettable and just out of the blue I noticed that I have not mentioned this silly son of a bitch in dog that is SE Cumm. She needs to do with the right thing and shut up about Donald Trump as all this grifter does is attack Mr Trump negatively and what she does is not journalism it is pure and out smear paid hackery from the Democrat Party to always perpetually tarnish a Republican in this case Donald Trump. Make no mistake if Chris Christie was the huge

Republican star and winning all the primaries and elections, this anti-republican grifter and scumbag SE Cupp would be writing bad against the fat boy from New Jersey. SE Cupp is indeed one of the worst individuals in newsprint and media analysis and this goofy fucker cannot be any part of mainstream media journalism weather it be newsprints or television. Scup is a has been and she would most likely serve humanity better by running a brothel in Cincinnati or Cleveland. SE Cupp has gone form my lifetime as a hottie into this wok-face woke deranged middle-aged woman who likely is angry she lost her power and looks and this could explain the Karen mad Democrat woman phenomenal in politics and SE Scum is the poster child of this sad fact.

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