Buddy Brown destroys evil Supreme Courts Justice member Sonia Sotomayor calls for her arrest

     Aaron Zappe

    The country singer and popular YouTuber known as Buddy Brown his utterly unloaded on the evil sick Supreme Court member known as Sonia Sotomayor. Sonia Sotomayor gave a dissension in the recent immunity presidential case that was the most evil and divisive dissertation  ever done by a Supreme Court member. Make no mistake, Sonia Sotomayer is a evil communist and this woman was selected by the Democrats too push the goal lines and run the court all the way to the fucking left. While the six conservatives Supreme Court members

continue to get harassed and attacked verbal online abuse by the radical members of the far left,  the right needs to do the same thing with the three lunatic members that were picked by Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden. The top one is Sonia Sotomayor who is an evil Wicked witch from the Bronx and this was pretty much reaffirmed by Buddy Brown on his YouTube channel as he called out this woman and the need to impeach her from the Supreme Court and put her behind bars.

       Sotomayer is an evil individual who is a fascist in heart and she desires to work and  aid the Joe Biden fascist movements in rulings of a partisan nature and slant Sonia Sotomayer of divisive and wicked Supreme Court statements and dissension of being in the minority hole and was one of the wickedest things Buddy Brown had ever heard the incitement for violence. Sonia Sotomayor wrote an

expressed in her dissension is reason enough I reckon for her prosecution. This woman wants to inflame the flames of political hatred and the ANTIFA far left radicals and this evil woman should be prosecuted and put behind bars after her impeachment from the Supreme Court. The huge YouTuber Buddy Brown stated that this woman in her opinion has given the left and excuse to harass the other six members who voted against her in the Supreme Court

decision that was crucial and put a road block into the drive of fascism from the evil Democratic party and indeed Sonia Sotomayer is as Buddy Brown says is trying to incite violence within this country with her crazed ruling on the Trump immunity case. This woman

wants partisan politics and left-wing Democrat Party fascism, and she doesn't even try to hide it. We're calling for the arrest of Sonia Sotomayor in the imprisonment of her is this woman has basically been a CCP Chinese Plant into our Supreme Court and is indeed she was installed by the CCP on her allegiance to this evil communist state. Conservative Republicans need to go on the offensive and go after these far left Social activists who

have been installed into the Supreme Court. These demented members and are committed to their goal of erasing our individual liberties, civil rights, and constitutional freedoms and indeed this psycho bitch Sonia Sodomizer as Buddy Brown calls her presents a existential threat to this country and we need to do something about her and King Jada Jackson as well and impeach both these mother fuckers.

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