Chicago Eddie Schwartz blast the corporate media and stupid congressman from New York ignoring Joe Biden's massive number of Lies while decrying Donald Trump's

 Andrew Clayton

     WGN radio Chicago Eddie Schwartz is a morbidly obese 800 lb radio host who continues to work in his 50-year career in the city of Chicago it's the number one late night radio program Chicago Eddie has been the voice and number one rated program overnight in the city of Chicago any shorts quite literally these days is sick and tired of the far left and the Democrats and he absolutely eviscerated Joe Scarborough Joy Reid and the other maniacal mackerels of the far left with their freak out and angry at CNN. Chicago Eddie Schwartz in addition blasted former media Monarch and disgusting troll Heath Oberman who came out on his social media to blame CNN for the defeat of Joe Biden and the loss of the debate. In addition Eddie Schwartz blasted the New York Congressman Dan Goldman who maybe Schwartz says is a fascist and a disgrace to modern day Democrats and the Jewish people Eddie Schwartz quite literally tore into the ass of this Silver Spoon multi-millionaire who is only in our

Congressional system because he was born into an extremely wealthy family Dan Goldman is a dipshit who came on MSNBC and cried about CNN not doing enough to prop up and support Joe Biden and for idiots like Dan Goldman and Keith Olberman along with the other usual names of corporate Joe Biden media enjoy beer Joe Scarborough and Joy Reid the anger at CNN was in the media for a few days Eddie Schwartz reminded his audience this is CNN is to moderate a debate and they are to be impartial and not play favoritism and Eddie Schwartz cannot believe these stupidity of this New York multi-millionaire billionaire born with a silver spoon jacket is known as Dan Goldman in addition Eddie

Schwartz wondered how Keith Olberman is not in a mental hospital and Schwartz mocked Keith Olbermann wondering if he is not indeed a plant by Donald Trump and the Republicans in order to make the Democrats look stupid as fuck. Keith Olberman is a dude who was once part of the ESPN and MSNBC but whose own neurotic attitude eventually had him lose his and get fired from corporate

media, yet this silly asshole still acts like he is a major media figure and he is given attention of opinion way too much. Eddie Schwartz cannot believe why conservatives even allow Keith Olbermann a voice and the hit mention that his opinion actually matters. Likewise, the embarrassing tobacco road ass joke congressman Dan Goldman crying, doing his best Adam Kinkzinger impersonation, appeared and was obviously upset angered that the CNN did not interrupt Donald Trump and fact checked him for every perceived lie that this left-wing lunatic and fascist politician dickwad Goldman claims on the

propagandist network of MSNBC. Mr. Schwartz suggested Goldman is so out of touch his heavily working class and progressive district he distracts and attempts to make himself as some sort of anti-Trump crusader as this multi-millionaire plutocrat from the uber wealthy Levi Strauss Jewish jeans family wants to appear as a strong fighter for the democratic party. He is a con man another billionaire limo scene liberal wanting to keep his constituency poor and low and he uses his ability to purchase his way into political power to ensure this nefarious goal. Fast Eddie quite literally tore into the assholes

including the usual propaganda of Morning Joe Scarborough and the 70 something old bag known as Joy Beaver. Eddie Scwartz tore into the ass of this old washed up comedian Beher each and every woman at the View as Eddie finds it disgusting such a program and obvious partisan political show exists and Eddie talked about how he started in radio there was something called the fairness doctrine that would of prevented politically slanted gaslighting media and presentations from being distributed from these nefarious networks like ABC Disney,  Eddie also noticed many of these rules changes has been set within our media by the global conglomerates and meddlers who have taken over the corporate media and essentially we have foreign owned entities and media interfering and propagandizing to the American people and fast Eddie called for all foreign disinvestment and ownership to be forced to sell from NBC, ABC, CNN, and CBS in much of the dame political drive we see pressure put on Tik Tok. Likewise Joy Reid was also mocked by Eddie Schwartz and her response and her social

media videos following the debate further show The Joy Reid is one of the most delusional derange maniacs in our media likely the chemicals from her Trump wig have infiltrated the cells in her brain. Chicago Ed called for the firing of Joy Reid, Jack Scarborough, and Joy Behar and the rest of the crack smoking hens at ABC Disney's the View demanding the gas hens and their program be removed. In addition.. in addition Eddie Schwartz call for a massive funding to remove Dan Goldman from Congress and to find a more centralist quality candidates and opponent for this fascist from New York who by all means is a toxic member of our political system. Fast Eddie said Dan Goldman is a goddamn troll who lies to the media and talks off his ass propped up to spread division and hate in this country.

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