Congressman Brian Donaldson humiliates Bill Maher as the moron one pushes forward the Trump cult Obsession and lie

      Paulie Smalley

    One of the more Despicable individuals is geriatric unfunny stupid comedian Bill Maher. The moron one is deserving to rechange his name to Bill Moron as the stupid HBO globalist little leprechaun dumbass blasted Trump supporters and those saying that God intervened to save Donald Trump at the last second. This so

bothers the atheist and brutal anti-religious Bill Maher who went on yet another anti-Trump rant and attacking Christians as well. why this bothers Bill Maher that some people think that a ordained intervention took place when Donald Trump survived the assassination is inexplicable. maher is a big mouth filled with Christian phobia and extreme hatred of religion explains much of his insane rhetoric. Bill Moran is a lunatic who should retire very soon the man is well past 65 and why he continues to stay on with his ugly face and stupid attire is a living testimony to his arrogance and narcissism. Bill Maher had a panel that included some freak along with Brian Donaldson and Brian Donaldson pushed back on Bill Maher's criticism of Trump supporters and their belief in God which so bothers this little

Leprechaun jackass Bill Maher. The sick and disturbing Maher then showed a picture of a dogs anus that he claimed look like Jesus and clearly Bill Mahor is a dude who has looked at more dogs anal holes than seeing pussy up close to his fuck ugly face.

     That people believe in God and think that Trump was delivered by God at this precise time in American history is a non-story and it is their business and right of belief. If they want to believe Swiss Cheese intervened and protected Bill Maher it is none of this little wind sack of shits business. Whether Bill Maher on wants to accept it  is evident that God has always been with America against the anti-godless Communist heathens and that this country has a great standing with God. It is why he is so blessed as nation to grow as powerful as it did out of nowhere. Bill Moron clearly is an anti-American anti-Democratic psychopath who just wants to attack people's belief systems because it's different from his own. Brian Donaldson and took no crap from this little leprechaun and stood up to the challenges of religious explanations for Trump and Donaldson told this prick that no one is putting Donald

Trump up as a deity it is people on the left and shits heads like Bill Moron who do so making false claims. Clearly Bill Moron wishes that the bullet has struck Donald Trump as this man is a clear and living example of the fear mongering and the hate against Donald Trump that led to his assassination and Bill Maher should have resigned after this near killing of Donald Trump as he played a major role in spreading for a lot of hatred against the best president of the last 100 years. Make those mistake, Bill Maher is a disgruntled hate-filled old man who some executive and HBO decided is deserving of a show which is nothing but pure propaganda and opinions of this dumb little man. Bill Maher needs to do the country a favor and retire or shut up

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