Cornball Steve Kornecki and the rest of the MSNBC work overtime and overdrive to help Kamala Harris with fake polling data

 Ali Muhammed

   Make no mistake the MSNBC network is a national network that is essentially Democrat Party media and this is the ultimate goal of this evil and wicked network. They fill their airwaves with the most psychotic Anti-American Anti-Republican rhetoric where it is obvious that this news network is a wing and an alliance asset of the Democrat Party. With this in mind the numerous psychopaths of the MSNBC network cannot be understated and one of their more interesting ones is this geek nerd named Steve Kornecki. This is a guy who jumps around acting like he is the Chris Farley Saturday Night Live over exaggeration character Ned Farley. MSNBCs election" expert" and extravertor  Steven Carnegie overly exaggerates his interest and obsession with big screens and their polling data election news. The biggest scam of the media is these concocted polls that they used to try to manipulate and determine elections and the daily direction and talk of polls is a undemocratic process that the media has perfected. what polls are pretend election results before the actual election an d this is exactly what purpose this fake polling data that the media and these organizations create to try and concoct a direction that an election.              Steve Kornacki is lying to you as are any media personalities and YouTubers who talk about

polls and might take on polls is they are unofficial elections before an election where no one votes and the polling pricks determine the numbers through their fake and pretend of collecting data. There is nothing more stupid than the talk of polls  and yet the media and the internet are obsessed asscesing this stupidity and continue to have these pretend "elections or polls" before an election  as I call them. The absurdity and stupidity of Steve Carnegie pretending he's some basketball coach going through these screens trying to make out the fake data and the public direction and

elections  are going is absolutely asinine and absurd. I cannot believe.... I cannot believe.... I cannot believe there's not more of a drive to stop polling talks and the media obsession would poll for all major elections and this country examine of the stupidity obsession with polls. Steve Kornecki is the biggest fucking geek in our media outside of Daniel Dale and the fact that this fuck head cornball gets a media mainstream position to talk in front of cameras and act like he's of some importance. This screwball Steve Kornecki gets to play importance and think to himself as some Noble King because some executives make decision to put this silly fool on the

television and Kornecki is a fucking dipshit who should never be on television to begin with. Possible along with him SMBC to help the candidate to see a Kamala Harris and essentially this is a role that MSNBC serves as Democrat Party Media hiring the likes of these nerds to troll and annoy people in this country synchronicki is lying to you about friends and political data polling and these numbers this shit had in many other people do when they talk about polls don't mean fucking anything and are meant to try to sway people not to vote to think that the election is over

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