Death threats come to Clay Travis from deranged Kamala Harris racist extremists.

     Eric Ericson

    Outkick host Clay Travis has been a vocal critic of the Biden and Harris team often eviscerating the failed policies and brutal political history of Camal Face Harris. The Outkick and national talk radio host and who does a program with his buddy Jimmy Sexton have tore the ass of Joe Biden before and have continued to do so afterwards often laughing and mocking the candidacy of unpopular and disdained Kamala Haris. With this in mind, Clay Travis did a show declaring a handwritten death threat that he has received mailed to the studio of the program he runs with Mr Sexton. Clay Travis read the letter and

contacted police live on the air and the letter contained a dribbled and diatribe of nonsense and hate directed towards Clay Travis that was clearly written by a supporter of Kamala Harris and done by a lunatic individual. Just like the box Tops Clay Travis received the letter and his life will never be the same as some baby write him a letter. 

     The letter written by a psychotic Kamal Harris cultist made numerous death threats giving a day which clay would be killed and which Travis left unknown. The disgusting pathetic act from a likely democrat has shocked and appalled the internet of conservative talk and sports. The fact that a radio host and frequent FOX news host and annalist would actually get a delusional mad hate and death threat is indicative of our political system. The dangerous and delusional democrat fascist party is angered at critics and mockery from their political opponents and many have rushed to the defense on-lie and letter writing campaign including this deranged letter and death threat to Mr Travis. One would think there is a strong possibility that one oif kamala's top people might of penned this death threat letter and whoever

penned this letter was determined to silence and scare Clay Travis. Mr. Travis is not scared, and he came on his radio show and doubled down of his hate and ridicule of Kamala Harris saying this woman is running scared and explains why she speaks such un understanble nonsense and gibberish. Clay and Buck reaffirmed that Kamala Harris says some of the stupidest innate phrases as Kamala and both pondered whether Kamala Harris is a heavy legalized weed or coke user and some explanation of why

Kamala Haris is so ridiculous and crazy as so often she appears. regardless of what the mainstream media attempts to do to reimagine Kamala Harris the fact is this woman and her followers are extremists and it is not surprising a vocal radio critic and personality such as Clay Travis would get a death threat from on e of kamala's deranged followers.  

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