Far left islamist Palestinian Nazis threatened and attack representative Dan Schneider's home in Highland Park

      Chung Young

   Radical leftist Palestinian scum protested and vandalized the home of US Representative Dan Schneider in Highland Park the other day. The fascistic protesters who shall support for a terrorist organization of Palestinian demons demonstrated in front of a US Congressman home in the exclusive gated community of Highland Park, Illinois the other night in a show of intimidation and antisemitic harassment.  All these protestors had their faces covered up and they demanded representative Schneider vote a certain way to fund you and relief agencies which is a money grift for those involved who pocket most of the money intended to needy people. 

     Likewise, they demand that representative Dan Schneider vote against the funding of Israel as these Hamas Nazis basically want Israel to be at a disadvantage so they can suffer more October 7th barbaric attacks by these Palestinian dogs in Gaza or over the Border in with Hezbollah in Lebanon. The fact that we have US representatives in actual danger from these Hamas terrorists in this country is an indication that these Hamas fascists are out of control and they need to be arrested, identified, and put in a

reeducation dedonctrination camp perhaps even in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The people protesting for Hamas in this country are on the borderline of committing mass terrorist acts and the people who were harassing and vandalizing the home of US Representative Dan Schneider should be traced, identified, and arrested for endangering the life and the family of a US congressman. The fact that the far left is so confident in their arrogance against this country that they would actually do such a egregious attack at 2:30 in the morning frightening the community as over 40 different 911 calls came in as the large mob

that was outside this congressman's home and then walking down the street making noise harassing the neighbors as well. Naturally, the mainstream corporate media is ignoring this egregious harassment of a US Representative and more needs to be done to clamp down on these Hamas protesters; as many of them are deranged lunatics who have psychological problems and are borderline mental and deficiencies likely will become terrorists real soon. One thing is clear though if the US Congress will not take these protests at their own homes lying down and indeed these Hamas fascists are only going to hurt their own cause. Indeed, the government will likely clamp down if this is going to be a new strategy and tactic of the far-left terrorist sympathizers and supporters.

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