Fat pig Chris Christie comes on The View and bashes Donald Trump and Hulk Hogan makes hints that he will run again for president in 2028

      Gino Frobel

       The disgusting and horrible troll and morbidly obese Chris Christie came out of his large rock to once again get paid by the media for speaking horseshit. The former failed New Jersey governor and four-time failed presidential candidate has a very large appetite that needs much money to feed indeed. Chris Christie came to the view and got paid by ABC Disney again why the mainstream media pays this fat clown and Fathead so much to give his opinion is one of the seven mysteries of the political world. Chris Christie came out and said that he will soon be a food reviewer and food challenger as he has seen the success of Beard Meets Food and notorious B.O.B Joel Hansson among others and he knows he can

do the same thing these ladies are able to do on the internet and eat, and eat, and eat. Christie's food obsession got the  View distracted with this Bozo obsessed politiclown and Sonny Hostin made Chris Christie get back on politics. The fat one from new Jersey went on the bash the Republican convention and he refused to even step foot in the venue. With this in mind Chris Christie took a direct attack against former professional wrestler Hulk Hogan and even challenged him to a mud wrestling match for charity.         

      The morbidly disgusting fat head failed presidential candidate then that did his usual talking points attacks against Donald Trump that please these cackling hands at The View. Joy Behar and Sonny Hostin looked like they were smitten and has stars in their eyes as he looked at the disgusting 300 lb Chris Christie and whether these two disgusting women know that Chris Christie's penis is under 3 inches is not known. What is known is the ABC Disney and the View is pure propaganda garbage talk and naturally Chris Christie belongs on this and clearly if Chris Christie ever changed his gender and became transgendered, or if he was born a woman this fat head might actually be a cast member of the political

propaganda show of The View. ABC Disney should be embarrassed to have such garbage as it's fellow black supremacist Whoopi Goldberg and Sonny Hostin, and the aged grizzly veteran and crow face of Joy Behar makes many people sick. Chris Christie is a fat head and gave once again hints that he will likely run in 2028 and he looks forward to possibly even running against Donald Trump Jr or Hulk Hogan as he gave his

suggestions to these cackling evil women of Te View who he thinks will be Republican candidates in 2028. Chris Christie is a morbidly disgusting fink fuck who was a failed politician and is it a failed political analyst that is given so much air time and as a bastion of corruption that these network executives of liberal media seem to love to hear. The pathetic media loves  the horse shit fat shit of Chris Christie and the lies that he often speaks with sirloin steak and fork tongue.

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