Fred Meyer taking down at golf course after making a ruckus and harassing golfer Kevin Yu

     Peyton Jenkins

    The Barney Rubble looking YouTuber pranker known as Fred Meyer was at it again sneaking a air horn into his ass and using it at a golf tournament. Fred Meyer crashed the golf tournament called the Arizona open and in a YouTube video from hell. Meyer caused a one-man chaotic fan abuse at this golf tournament. Fred Meyer is one of the up-and-coming YouTube prankers and the work that this man does is tenacious an outstanding and many kudos and awards have gone his way. Fred Meyer did a golf

prank which was outstanding as he snuck in an air horn and got tackled by security as he stormed the golf course excited by the shot and birdie of his favorite golfer Kevin Yu. The antics of Fred Meyer actually made the corporate broadcast as one can hear the air horn and the announcer saying and overly excited fan got tangled by security as this young lad Fred Meyer was utterly manhandled and escorted off the golf course by security. 


 The willingness of Fred Meyer to troll golf fans and to get his ass handed and beaten by security for the entertainment of his YouTube subscribers was awesome and further indication that this man is entertaining and a star and stud in the making. Fred Meyer looks like Barney Rubble, yet he is named Fred is in Fred

Flintstone and his sophomoric humor makes him one of the more popular YouTubers and prankers that the under 25 crowd enjoys and follows. Fred Meyer was trespassed from this boring golf tournament and Golf Course and indeed the highlight of this foreign golf tournament had to be Fred Meyer blasting

the air horn and just trolling the fans in general by being overly excited and acting like he was a more of a college football fan in attendance than a golf course. Fan

attendance golf is a boring fucking sport where the crowd must remain quiet throughout the action in any sport where the paid attendance and crowd has a silence order from the event organizer has to be the stupidest thing ever to mankind. Quite

frankly people need to be making noise at golf courses and cheering on their golfer at a crucial spot regardless of if he's distracted or not and the stupidity of the sport and the fan base that follows and has to be mute is utterly insane.... in the membrane. Golf has not been taken down in this comedic way not since the days of George Carlin

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