Free Fika

 Aaron Luther 

Animal stories

 Free Fika. The squirrel is this pet squirrel that is in captivity somewhere in the heart of dark Russia as a craze Russian single woman has a bunch of cats and an odd head of a wild Squirrel that she has kept in her house and it's a basis of her Tik Tok video channel.  This woman clearly has some weird, sexual thing going on with her squirrel often letting it crawl into her/his pants and all over her body. She particularly likes when the

squirrel crawls between her legs. This weird blonde Russian woman obviously doesn't have a man from what I seen these videos and the squirrel is likely the male substitute for this woman. The squirrel often is seen in her Tick Tock videos harassing her three cats chasing around in the state of euphoria and these cats are besides themselves always

nervous and unclear what to do with this household family member who runs real fast and unpredictable times. Fika should be a squirrel that should be going up trees and not blinds and walls in this Russian mad woman's house and as head of the Anti-Pet Association this is another case file we are creating in order to help free animals who are under the captivity of evil sick people under the guise of pet ownership. 

   We are calling for the freedom of Fika and the three cats that live under this woman's household in Russia and again is part of the Anti-Pet Association we decry all pet ownership whether they be wild animals such as a squirrel or domesticated animals like cats and dogs. None of these animals should be considered pets and under the tyranny captivity of human beings and thus we have created this charity group you can donate any time on our sidebar. We're

working tenaciously at our charity to fight for the freedom of animals like Fika documenting this poor squirrels living situation with this sexual freak of a woman who seems to quite literally have a substitute a squirrel for live dildo or sex toy this woman and her captivity this poor squirrel is terrifying and further evidence why we need to do more and have government step in and discourage  pet ownership it not only in America but throughout the world and Mother Russia as well.

     The owner of this nasty Tick Tock Channel is a horrible Russian who is keeping what is obviously a wild animal in a squirrel as a pet. The squirrel is one of the last wild animals that should ever be confined in a house and this arrogant and imbecile

woman picked the one creature that most likely should never as most scientists agree that should never be taken out of the wild in place in a home. Clearly this is not an issue for this psychopathic woman that is unnamed because we cannot speak Russian and this Tik Tok star and her squirrel Fika are in utter disgrace and we need to do everything in our power to free this poor squirrel from its imprisonment to this Russian nightmare owner

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