Greg Gutfeld announces that Donald Trump not only is going to be running against scared Kamala Harris ,but against the scared and corrupt Democrat Party mainstream

 Brook Tanner

     Greg Gutfeld of Fox News is the number one late night television show by far against these primarily Democratic party operatives and propaganda in late night television. Make no mistake Stephen Colbert Seth Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, and the other jag off such as Bill Maher and John Oliver are extremists and propaganda for the far left. With this in mind, Greg Gutfeld and  in his four guests and propelled into the number one late night cable television show and he often hammers at the Democrat Party media that were big shills for the Slow Joe Biden. Now that Joe Biden has stepped aside as his brain is too slow and his witch Jill is M I A ashamed an d hiding out ashamed to be seen now without the title of first lady. The Fox News show host has declared that

Trump is not running against Kamala Harris. Greg "Godfather" Gutfeld says Donald Trump is actually running against the corrupt mainstream media and a monarchy of the corrupt media at CBS, ABC Disney, MSNBC race network, and the global CNN network. Donald Trump is running against the likes of Richard Meadow and other propagandists of the mainstream media including the

disgusting and stupid Stephen Colbert, who's a shadow of his former self and a comical clown. These partisan late night television hosts and the corrupt media are deserving of no respect and they are primarily the main opponent of Donald Trump and not this low IQ individual failed former US Kalifornia Senator Kamala Harris. Greg Gutfeld says that Donald Trump is prepared and Gutfeld and many other conservatives are advocating Donald Trump not to agree to debate Kamala Harris unless the debates are both are on Fox News and Newsmax. 

      Why would Donald Trump even appear and debate on ridiculous networks that are obviously partisan shields and essentially Democrat Party media. why should he grace his presence on their networks to their economic benefit and ratings. Just as Donald Trump would never appear as a guest on Rachel Maddow's Show or appear and be interviewed by Jonathan Karl and ABC, Mr Trump should not even bother with the

debates with Kamala Harris unless it's on Fox. Naturally this wicked witch from Kalifornia with the unnatural laugh would never agree to such a agreement because kamala is scared to appear on Fox or

another network that is not friendly state media.  Greg Gutfeld bashed the corrupt mainstream media for their continued declaration that Donald Trump is scared to debate him. Allah Harris is a incompetent politician not deserving of any major position and it is in fact is the mainstream media that is scared of a second Trump

Administration.  The fact that he's calling out their bullshit and will not appear and help their struggling ratings. These are the same networks that put such scum as Eli Mystal. Fellow black supremacist Joy Reid, former Clinton advisor George Stephanopoulos, propaganda's Jake Tantrum, ugly Nicole Wallace, stupid Dana Bash, racist Al Sharpton, almost MSNBC homosexuals Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow, unfunny Whoopi Goldberg, and the disgusting and the latest Sonny Hoston and joy be here also The View why the hell would Donald Trump appear on any networks they have an employee such garbage on their networks in debate form

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