Introducing Bring The Asteroid YouTube blasts trust fund baby and globalist Hasan Piker

       Andrew Clayton

    A young YouTuber named Bring The Asteroid has brought the heat towards the terrorist in Islamist that is this popular twitch star known as Hassan Abi.  Asteroid replaying a video of the Turkish supremacist on the Piers Morgan show along with his Uncle Cenk Cougar. Bring The Asteroid utterly devastated Hassan Abi and went through and dissecting each comment and argument. The smug attitude of this arrogant supposedly popular twitch streamer was questioned by Bring The Asteroids who

noticed that his father was a big industry and owner of a global hedge fund in Turkey. Make no mistake Hassan Abi come from the extreme wealthy Turkish family much of that wealth being the result of Turkish invasions and annexing lands of Greek lands as most of the wealthy Turks make their money through the shipping of product from the Caspian Sea that would have otherwise gone to Greek people through the years. Hasan Piker is a scumbag and a half who promotes the most vile and despicable socialism imaginable, and he just sold to be a arrogant troll. 

     Bring The Asteroid even question whether this guy is popular as his main ability is to fund a twitch stream and then the company and big Tech can go and pretend that there are actual followers for this idiot known as Hassan Piker at times. Bro there cannot be real following for someone with no

personality and who talks like Hassan Abi, obviously uneducated, unentertaining, predictable,racial,  and radical. These are the traits that Big Tech and the left-wing progressive socialists want to promote and Bring The Asteroid says indeed Hassan piker Abi is one of the stupidest individuals allowed such a large platform and he was disappointed that Pierce Morgan would even have this son of a dog on the show. Both Hassan Parker and Cenk Uygur are propagandists for socialism and communism which even at his young age Bring The Asteroid knows is not good for society and he bashes these two Turkish Islamists and others who promote such absurd political outdated and evil ideology as socialism and communism. Hassan Abi likely shares much of the same ideology of the butchers on October 7th and make no mistake this radical twitch streamer has been put in a position to spread hate and possibly promote a repeat of the action that we saw in October 7th here in America. Tis punk ass bitch Hasan is a propagandist and extreme supporter for Hamas and Islamic terrorism

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