King Andrew celebrates the fall of Bozo Biden

    Zobo The Clown

    The culmination of 4 years of hard work by Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions culminated with the failed and humiliating resignation from the 2024 campaign of failed president and soon be failed former president Biden. Andrew of Run Don't walk productions has been one of the leading hucksters leading the bashing of failed President Joe Biden and Andrew capped off a recent long 30 minute video  long for him and look back at the failed and disgusting Joe Biden administration. King Andrew and his hard work bashing the horrible and illegitimate election 2020 thieving Joe Biden has finally been accomplished as the

resignation of Joe Biden was the ultimate goal of many anti Biden social media influencers and podcasters such as this man from Run Don't Walk Productions. History will look negatively on failed President Joe Biden who worked hard with the Mexican drug cartels to allow massive inflow of illegal aliens for profit and for more drug pedaling into this country and profit through. Andrew laughed at the idea that Joe Biden kept mentioning to save the Democracy when in fact this man has been the most authoritarian and fascist goal-oriented anti-democratic leader of  this country has ever seen with his various degrees in executive orders. Make no mistake Joe Biden and  his ambition to be a dictator has been defeated and he is going to be leaving this campaign in 2024 in utter humiliation and Andrew loves it. Andrew really looked at the 2020 post mortem political presidential history of this moronic president whom by all aspects was an obvious puppet for money sources overseas in particular the one-party State CCP Chinese.

\     Andrew says the beginning of the end was well before the disastrous debate as the American people saw Joe Biden for what he is with his unjust criminal charges and obvious attacks using New York and Democratic prosecutors in various states to go after Donald Trump attempt to smear slander and discredit this man's presidential challenge to this fascist Joe Biden. Andrew says the nonsensical legal cases that the Democrat Party in particular Joe Biden and New York Congressman Dan Goldman

initiated was a fascistic attempt by the extremists within the Democrat Party intent and cheating in aiding a re-election as they are huge supporters of the cult of abortion  desperate to get control and be able to pick the Supreme Court Justices to overturn and once again allow this death baby cult to be legalized throughout the country. Andrew then went into the lengths of the Joe Biden making the fatal mistake of finally agreeing to debate Donald Trump which many speculated a debate might not even
Failed former nothing but trouble near 😕100 year old president Joe Biden

occur between the two. Joe Biden utterly failed in the debate and could not even talk and this opened the floodgates to those and the possibility within the Democratic party of replacing this nasty demented failed 90-year-old president whom negativity about throughout the internet and hate for him spread. The Democrats knew they were fucked and re-election chances were extremely limited.

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