Louder with Crowder Steven Crowder and his crew embarrassed Slow Joe Biden and fact checked his entire didn't disgusting 12 minutes farewell speech

 Chung Young

     To say that Slow Joe Biden is an utter disgrace to this country would be a understatement. Joe Biden gave his farewell although in our opinion he will still be de facto vice president with Kamala Harris as he and this ugly woman are in fact the same and one in policy and government. Joe Biden and his old face will be behind the scenes and make no mistake him and Jill will still have power under a Kamala Harris

Administration. With this in mind we must attach Kamala Harris as if Joe Biden himself were still running and attack this wicked witch from Kalifornia with this failed former president one term loser of a president. Joe Biden does the impossible he is worse than Jimmy Carter and slow Joe will go down perhaps the worse and most divisive president in American history. 

      Steven Crowder of his great Louder with Crowder reports sat down watched Biden's p[athetic resignation and had his usual drinking game. Part of their drinking game watching Joe Biden speech was to drink hard liquor every time he lied and needless to say they got drunk like a skunk. The number of times they had a drink with the imbecile Joe Biden speaking and lying out of his corrupt ass was utterly mind fucking. Joe Biden is a habitual liar and the numerous lies he said in his farewell speech were so numerous and afterwards Crowder and his crew had to make another separate video to do a Daniel Dale fact check. Unlike the nerdish piece of shit whom they mocked for his bias and partisan fact checking Crowder and his friends marked the CNN geek Daniel Dale checker as this fuck only fact checks

Republicans. Dale does this usually ignores the lies coming from the horrible mouths of Democrats. Steven Crowder though is not Daniel Dale and he and his crew listed so many facts and lies against this farewell speech of this Slow Joe Biden --who is one of the stupidest and worst politicians of our lifetime and because of this fact he was installed by foreign bureaucratic monetary and governments. Slow Joe Biden lied and said that border crossings were down under his regime was it which is utterly insane. Biden lied and said illegal migration was down compared to Donald Trump and slow Biden tried make the assertion that more illegals were coming under the Trump Administration which was a bold face lie. 

      Everything Joe Biden said about the economy and much about Kamala Harris was they bold face lies and this old face of Joe Biden needs to take his lying ass and go to retire in Florida and vote for Ron De Santis and become a Republican like a good old man. Retiring Joe Biden is a despicable disgusting individual, and this was likely pointed out numerous times in the two and a half hour Steve Crowder's live stream which I didn't have a time to watch in its entirely.  However, one can watch a shortened version of Steven Crowder and his blonde partner and others play Daniel Dale and actually fact check the living shit out of Joe Biden and his nothing but trouble speech.  The end of the nightmare of an administration Joe Biden is complete, but in this blog we will act like he is still running because essentially his vice president Kamala Harris is Joe Biden in all aspects of government and decision making. Kamala Harris will not  will not escape the attachment to Joe Biden and she will face the same brush and brutal attacks for her lies in stupidity as Joe Biden by conservatives such as Stephen Crowder throughout this election

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