Marco Rubio wrecks Joe Biden a Republican National Committee speech and challenges Biden when he loses to run again in 2028 against him

       Denny Watson

   Feeling confident that he will be a strong contender for the 2028 Republican nomination and likely victor Florida Senator Marco Rubio came to the Republican convention in Milwaukee with a chip on his shoulder. After being rejected by Donald Trump as a possible as Vice President Marco Rubio is ripping the floor in anger and really taking his frustration out on the failed Democrats. This upcoming election Marco Rubio gave one of the most upbeat and kick-Ass speeches during the Republican convention calling Joe Biden a incompetent old man who should have retired from politics in 1980. Marco Rubio challenged Joe Biden to run again in 2028 as when Biden loses he will be eligible to make one more for a political run and Rubio says he will be in there in 2028 ready to kick ass and would love to see Slow Joe Biden as his political opponent. Marco Rubio quite literally ripped into the sorry old ass of Joe Biden and called out the Biden criminal family syndicate that has long been a major plague of our political system likely funded by outside International and Chinese fortunes. 

     Marco Rubio called the Biden family the American embarrassment and indeed we are spared for more Biden international corruption when his son Beau Biden died of what most likely was numerous pharmaceutical injections required folr his fake military service and not brain cancer as this lying corrupt woke pastor Joe Biden often says to the Democratic media. Beau "Bison" Biden was trying to be groomed by Joe Biden and others  to be a future major political individual and this is the only reason Beau Biden joined the military to get the necessary accolades for potential political future. Naturally, Joe Biden was angered that he could not use Beau Biden as he did with Hunter to bribe foreign

governments and be rewarded in millions and millions of dollars and this is the primarily reason that Joe Biden is always been upset about the death of his son. Marco Rubio did an incredible take and speech bashing the failed current President Joe Biden who by all aspects likely is so arrogant that if he did lose again in the 2024 election he will make another run despite his

advanced age. We look forward to a possible Marco Rubio --Joe Biden or a Marco Rubio Gavin Newsom 2028 election. Clearly Marco Rubio is a grand-growing political threat to the Democrat Party in any potential cringe candidate that they might throw in the future

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