Aaron Zappe
To say that Mr Beat of YouTube is a far left ridiculous troll and a dumb mother fucker would be understated. The silly and stupid YouTube host should not to be confused with Mr Beast as this stupid woke radical dipshit who spins and twists historical accounts to meet his far-left historical revision narrative Mr Beat was at again as he did a show about 9/11 and then went into a rant and Rave angered at the United States would go into war and replace a tyrannical Madman. Saddam Hussein was the worst dictator since Adolf Hitler and quite literally the leftist in America who defend Saddam Hussein and wish that he still had his family running the country is utterly a reprehensible joke and indicative of their insanity and lunacy. Mr Beat somehow decided to do a 9/11 video where he lambasted the United States
response and it's war on terrorists in Afghanistan and eventually to topple the illegitimate and tyrannical Saddam Hussein regime for the likes of Mr Beats we should have left Saddam Hussein alone and have his sons now be rolling and trying to extort the world like North Korea with nuclear weapons. Mr Beat is a woke clown and a dipshit who's a sorry excuse for an American and human being the amount of lies and misinformation Mr Beat presented concerning 9/11 was utterly reprehensible. This is just another indicative of the creep like Cretin that Mr Beat always has been as a bad.
Mr Beat also did a video not too long ago reexamining the Iraq War and passed the United States policy for its involvement and clearly as a veteran of that war of the first Iraq War I was very highly offended of the garbage that Mr Beat presented in his extremely bias and partisan viewpoint. Mr Beat is just nothing but another ignorance YouTuber of the far left who does all these revisionist garbage and puts full blame and cause full evil the United States as an Empire while ignoring the millions and millions killed by Saddam Hussein through the years.
The actual threat of al-Qaeda well before 9/11 and they culminated in the biggest terrorist Act in the human history. \Clearly if Mr Bean has some loved ones Mr B would hold a different viewpoint. The usual crying liberals crying about the Iraq War and talking about the there was no weapons of mass destruction found and how that was a myth yet Saddam Hussein used weapons of mass destruction and killed 5000 Kurds in one attack during the Iran Iraqi war. Mr Beat is a dipshit. thousands and thousands were killed on 9/11 and had he lost family members Mr Beat Off would have a different tune and this woke joke is a disgusting Troll and just another dipshit that can be found on YouTube with bias and partisan videos as a true blue socialist.
Very few people are turning into Mr Beat as he's been doing videos since 2011 and just only recently passed the 1 million subscriber rate. About the only good material that Mr Beat does is when he examines past elections and you can only do so many videos about this. Perhaps Mr Beach should get into and examine past Senate races or random congressional races and Congressional races as he is basically used up all his historical presidential campaign and election results. Mr Beat is no Mr Beast and both are woke clowns who doesn't understand the Iraq Wars and the necessary to prevent the growth of global tyranny and terrorism. The Iraq War which I served and killed Arabs was one of the most justified wars in the world history. Needless to say this needle dick will never realize this as this man is he gutless coward who would never serve this country and all he does is serve the global New World Order on his YouTube channel
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