Salty cracker and The Hodgetwins mock idiot who try to save a left shark and was eventually killed by it

    Eddie Bailey

Animal stories

.     The recent news that some Fathead was killed by a left shark trying to rescue it from a beach made news and much mockery. one of the mockery reports  was from Salty Cracker as the incredible YouTube host and far right pundit mocked this incident as another indication of the stupidity of the modern world and the people around us in modern AmeriCCPa. Salty Cracker laughed  and compared the situation of this guy getting killed by a love shark trying to rescue it to this country and people looking  the other way of migrants coming across the border unvetted. Salty Cracker and many

other people cannot believe that in 2024 we have regressed to the point where some people are so stupid they would actually try to rescue and save a sea beast who could actually kill it and indeed this is what happened. There is little information of this love shark incident and no report if this goofy daw actually died.  Most likely this incident where the left shark killed good Samaritan likely occurred in Florida as all the weird shit occurred in Florida. Earl and Brad Hodge were embarrassed for the friends of this clown and said it was sad that this man tried to save this fish and then he was dragged over and absolutely chomped, gutted, and  likkey killed as the brutal left shark dragged the man under the water after the silly one helped rescued the beached shark. 

      There's very little news story on the death and the name of this individual and Earl Hodge wondered whether it was even artificial intelligence. Meanwhile salty Cracker continued to make the analogy between the United States and the guy trying to save the left shark. Mr Cracker believes that the United States has put itself in the position to believe it's the moral authority and this is backfired as its involvement in all these countries and corrupt governments has brought these corrupt individuals back to America through immigration and they're quickly moving to utterly destroy this

country through encouraging more illegal massive immigration and invasion. The corruption that they have brought and perfected in their home country is why there has been a dramatic political attack on our constitution and rights. Either way the case the death of this man by left shark was a tragedy and not really something to be mocked and laughed at it's all three lease individuals thought it was humorous that likely a meth head wanted a left shark as a pet

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