The time Doctor Now insulted and humiliated a binary weirdo who cannot stop eating chocolate

       Casey Kelso

       Dr Younon Nowzarden is seriously considering retiring as he is tired of trying to save the fat ones in our society. The reality TV show who runs the show my 600 lb life is a Iranian-born doctor who escaped the Ayatollah and has come here to rock the casbah as a fat cutting doctor. Doctor Now does the stomach stapling surgery where desperate 600 lb people come and demand and basically have to audition for doctor

Now and his reality television show in order to get him to cut their guts in half. Doctor Now once had this weird binary guest who I could not tell was either a man or a woman. Let's just call him or her Pat as this thing was on Doctor Now unable to lose the weight that Mr Now usually demands before agreeing to accept them as a patient for his stomach

stapling business practice based out of Houston Texas. this Fatty though was gaining weight as he or she kept appearing on Doctor Now's office and is he weighed it the weight kept going higher and higher. 

     Pat claimed that they cannot stop eating chocolate and thus Doctor Now said that this person loved chocolate more than their own life and that they were going to die from eating chocolate. Doctor Now refused to take this binary weirdo as the chocolate addiction of this 640 lb jackass just cannot be stopped and one of the biggest mysteries of this

program is how these massively obese people afford their food bills when it appears they don't work. This question is never answered on Doctor Now My 600-lb Life and the amount of food that some of these fatties eat in his television show would be enough for a week for most individuals. Doctor Now utterly eviscerated this fat ass and refused to take them as he knew if he operated on this person's stomach the wreak and smell of chocolate would pass his ass.

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