The time the little leprechaun career Illinois speaker and politician Michael Madigan appeared on

 Chet Oliver

    Nasty old corrupt Illinois Democrat Michael Madigan appeared on Hogan's Heroes playing the character of a safecracker. The one time state Democrat leader Illinois state representative and Speaker of the House corrupt and wicked individual Michael Madigan appeared on the Hogan's Heroes episode season 3 episode 14 in the safe cracker episode. The soon-to-be future Illinois politician and corrupt Democrat rat bastard as Shaun Thompson would say, appeared with Colonel Hogan and the rest of the crew of Hogan's Heroes.

Michael Madigan started as a failed actor and he had a small bit roll where he helped Colonel Hogan get some intelligence and documents that was in a safe and they needed to break and parachuted his character to basically open this safe and get the information safely into US intelligence hands.

     Michael Madigan would soon be a career politician and one who would transition Illinois help Blue corrupt democrats take it over and turn Illinois to the biggest cesspool of political corruption in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. This silly bastard is going to be put on trial within months for his massive fraud and election corruption and use of his political office and the media is already suppressing his upcoming trial. Michael

Maggot is not a household name but he should be as one of the most fraudulent Democrats of all time and the press should have a field day exposing the massive Democrat Party corruption that Michael Megan initiated and controlled some three decades in the state of Illinois. In this episode

basically Michael Madigan shows what a thief and expert he is safe cracking the information and essentially what Michael Madigan did in this episode with Bob Crane was basically what he has done throughout his political career in the state of Illinois. Michael Madigan is going to spend his last years as much like Joe Biden in sitting in a cell and the Democrat Party ability to create massive corruption and theft through

government is slowly being exposed at all levels of government including in this case. The state of Illinois the walls have closed in on Michael Maggin who sits behind bars now and when he is put on trial more information for the rest of the country of how the Democratic party and state governments have corrupted and destroyed honest politics through this scummy little worms and pieces of shit like this guy. 

     Michael Madigan and his likes gangsters in government slowly are going to go down. Hogan's Heroes was one of the greatest show with tons of special guests pretending to be people that era and Michael Maggie actually start out as an actor before he got into politics totally corrupting the system. The same evil that Colonel Robert Hogan, played by Bob Crane, and Seargent Klinchoe, played by Ivan Dixon, and the rest of the crew

fought is indistinguishable from the corrupt Democrats in America and politicians such as Michael Madigan whom some would say are on par with the evil of the Nazis that Hogan's Heroes opposed Michael Madigan's finally been brought to justice and this coming trial of this little piece of shit leprechaun from Illinois will be interesting and hopefully gets more mainstream media coverage

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