Vinny Scorpio of Valuetainment goes off on Islamists Jake Ogre and his nephew Hans Abi on the Pierce Morgan show also bashes Tick Tock Harry

     Jack Pooter

     Pierson Morgan blew up when he knew Vinny Scorpio from the Valuetainment and Patrick David Bet network was going to appear. Mr Morgan fielded his guest panel with some of the most extreme Joe Biden sycophants and far left lunatics as he could find as he had numerous lefties on his program to discuss the debate and whether Joe Biden should drop out. The Twitch scam artist gamer known as Hassan Abdul Piker appeared with his uncle and founder Jenk Uyger of the Young Jerks Network together they formed up and ganged up on Pierson Morgan and Vinny from Valuetainmen

t as they basically listed of far left lunatic politicians that they would like to see replace Joe Biden. Cenk Ogre once again humiliated himself making mention that Bernie Sanders would win and would destroy Trump one-on-one and the commitment of this fathead from Turkey for the Vermont Senator is utterly surprising and determined. Hassan Parker meanwhile was simping for the horrible Michigan Governor known as

Gretchen Whitmer and the stupidity that these two Turks men born in other lands and stans meddling and talking about American politics is brutally insane.

     Both Hasan Piker and Cenk Cougar hate Joe Biden but they also hate Donald Trump and this is where Vinny clashed with these two evil Turks the amount of hate and propaganda that the fat ass Cougar and his Wicked nephew gamer and stupid Pro terrorist Hassan Abi represent was utterly on display in this interview in a rare  co-appearance with a two Turkish elite bastards who think that they know everything and

are the be all end all of all discussion. The amount of camel shit that both Hasan and his uncle Jake provided pissed off Vinny then he had to see  Morgan topped off the program with a quick appearance by the punk ass bitch propagandist  known as Tick Tock Harry Sisson. This prick appeared and he joined in the berating of Vinny from

Valuetainment and his stringent support for Donald Trump. Vinny and Pierce Morgan confronted Tik Tok Harry for focusing on Donald Trump's lies while ignoring the huge number of lies Joe Biden brought forth in the same debate and without a doubts Tik Tok Harry is a massive-funded Democrat Party operative who will lie and say all sorts of nonsense to been positive look for his benefactor and boss Joe Biden. 

Cenk Ogre then called Bernie Sanders to run ignoring and likely is suffering from cognitive decline and communism and socialism of his ilk and preference is not preferable for the vast majority of the

American people. Likely Cenk Uygur will long be talking about Bernie Sanders as a presidential option and choice long after the Vermont Center drops dead and they bury him Six Feet Under. Likewise Hassan Piker made mention that Illinois's Pig Governor JB Pritzker as a 1930s era gangster power broker would make it great viable option for a presidential ticket in 2024. Jamie Pritzker has about as much chance as fellow walrus obese fat ass Chris Christie and indeed Pritzker would get the same treatment from the right media who would Mock and humiliate the 1930s gangster billionaire plutocraft that is JB Pritzker. It's surprising that a so called socialist like this prick Hasan Piker would actually support a presidential run from a billionaire that is this scam artist globalist known as JB Pritzker. The amount of stupidity that Drink Uygur and his Turkish nephew prick sucker Hasan Abi be were able to perform thankfully was countered by the Valuetainment co-host known as Vinny who stood up to the bowling tag team efforts of the Young Turk jerks who run one of the more repulsive and repugnant propaganda left-wing socialist sites imaginable. Vinny utterly wrecked the Turk heads of Recep tayipp Erdogan and disciples and humiliate them in a televised debate that was viewed on both sides of the pond in Great Britain and the United States. Jenk Cougar and Hasan Abi can go to hell

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