WIND radio Chicago radios Shaun Thompson utterly eviscerates cockeyed Pramila Jayapal for lying about Kamala Harris's role as failed borders Czar

       Alex Leatherwood

     Chicago's incredible right-wing talk show host Shaun Thompson went off on the far-left socialist scumbag and ugly cockeyed bitch known as Pramila Jayapal. This horrible monster from the state of Washington is a perpetual gas lighter who lies out of her Indo-Pako ass whenever she gets a chance to speak whether it be from the media or in the halls of Congress.

Pramila Jayapal was once again gaslighting as this woman is so full of gas in her ass that she lights up trying to deny the fact that Kamala Harris was indeed the borders Czar and allowed millions and millions of drug peddlers and addicts into this country. Failed border Czar Kamal Harris was given this role and utterly failed and is Shaun Thompson WIND radio says the Democrats are trying to whitewash this history and do their own revision. Shaun Thompson eviscerated the ugly-face of this cockeyed congress monster from the state of Washington and this District that elects this maniac should be ashamed of themselves. 

          Much like we were able to get rid of Jamal Bowman there needs to be a concentrated effort against this fuck face from Washington and getting a more normal politician and not such a radical in this seat in Congress. Jackass Jayapal spoke on the house floor angered about impeachment charges against Kamala Harris and a resolution from the Republican-led congress that Kamala Harris was indeed the border Czar in charge are and she utterly failed as this fact needs to be documented. Pramala Jayapal came on the floor and as Shaun

Thompson says once again lit gas from her ugly fucking ass. Sean Thompson talked about the fake news of JD Vance having sex with a couch and Sean Thompson says that most men would rather have sex with a couch then with these disgusting female Democrats like Primila Jayapal who is an ugly motherfucker (umf). Thompson

says that our political system has been planted with these far-left communist socialists and the extremists within the squad and of far-left Democrats are out of control. Jayapal is a particular scum ass who lies habitually to the American people, to the media, and on the house floor and Shaun Thompson utterly eviscerated this cockeyed bitch and her constant having to re mention the 34 convictions against Donald Trump that were not crimes and basically were crimes made up of the extremists within the Democratic party such as this foreign-born monster Pramilia Jayapal. Shaun said this woman poses a existential threat and is a pure in out propagandist pushing some of the most radical beliefs and hate in their

political system to say that Pramila Jayapal is not a pal of this country and a radical communist anti-American extremist would be understated Pramilia Jayapal knows that come out here was the order star and she's a complete delusion and in denial as a lying politician and she quite literally is talking out of her fucking ugly ass

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