Downtown Chicago descends into madness and even the corrupt left-wing media cannot ignore it

       Benito Bautista

    The downtown part of Chicago is regressing into total chaos that even the mainstream media cannot lie and cover up anymore. The smell of weed and diesel as people race and do donuts abound up to the later hours. This one time safe and great part of Chicago and essentially the scum from the surrounding areas of people with tattoos all over their fuck faces descends into Chicago's downtown. The Chicago Sun Times admitted that the downtown area in the summer is increasingly becoming a more dangerous and crime ridden area and when the stores totally collapse perhaps only then the downtown actually will improve and less

assholes will be coming from the West and South Side. In fact. we have contacted our favorite Youtuber Metal Leo to come to downtown and record the number of empty stores and basically he can predict which streets will fall first as the Kalifornia based vlogger often did in predicting the sudden empty stores and decline of neighborhoods in Oakland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Chicago will become Oakland is our on-line meme call and the amount of regression of lifestyle and living conditions in

downtown as police hands are tied by a failed and black supremacist mayor in Brandon Johnson, who likely is targeting and directing these attacks against the Gold Coast and River north neighborhoods. Mayor Brandon has long been Green in jealousy of the rich people in the heart of his city. These "teen" disturbances are actually Black thug disturbances from outsiders who have no business in the downtown area and are allowed to go wilding for the failed and hate filled bad urban mayor that is 

 Brandon Johnson. Johnson's regime as mayor has been a nightmare of a wicked and twisted politician who is obsessed with race and class. We are trying to find money to fund Metal Leo and have him do a trip into Chicagoland with a focus into the downtown part of Chicago and he could look at what is now a rare empty store front area although the number of empty businesses are increasing in Chicago. Metal Leo also might try to crash evil Brandon Jackson's press conference one day and we are committed to exposing this Black supremacist and hate filled mayor who wants to do to Chicago what Colmen Young as mayor did for Detroit.
The decline of downtown Chicago should be alarming to all rich and wealthy people in general as if downtown Chicago can become a hell hole where drag racing is common and laws not enforced and the air is choked with the beautiful smell of skunky ass marijuana and weed the same can come to any neighborhood including the North shore as Tiffany Henyards type of corrupt politics and folk can come to places like Northbrook, Glencoe, Vernon Hills, and Highland Park as well. 

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