Dumbass Stephan Colbert comes to Chicago fishes hot dogs to zilly Chicago Cubs fans

        Woody Underwood

    The stupid late night television propagandists in unfunny man dipshit known as Stephen Colbert came to Chicago. Mr Colbert came to do his show in the windy city for a week and a disgusting Democrat Party propaganda and was unlaughable and unlikable talk. The stupid talk show host was an absolute embarrassment to the city of Chicago as this far left lunatic Mr Colbert went to Wrigley Field and did some bits where he was fishing down hot dogs and fries the people on the street who hang around Wrigley Field during games, Baseball Hawks are never able to actually capture any balls as Wrigley

Field has been so renovated that there are hardly ever home runs they leave the ballpark, yet for those who appeared and Cubs game last week the appearance of this stupid aging and middle-age dork Stephen Colbert made their day highlight as he lowered hot dogs and fries from a fishing pole. Stephen Colbert is a unfunny and quite frankly in my opinion he has always been an unfunny dipshit, somehow Mr Colbert has some respect or people will say that he used to be funny; which neither I would agree whether before his late night talk

propaganda show or when he was in character pretending to be another type of talk show and doing the Rush Limbaugh Sean Hannity type character and he has never been funny.

     Stephen Colbert just is not funny and only liberals in urban areas considered this silly fucker of any humor material. Dumb Colbert does not have any talent nor is he very bright or funny, yet because he is a big name in the failed world comedy he has been used as a political propagandist for the past decade spewing some of the most partisan lies and misinformation to a clapping seal audience of misfits and false. Stephen Colbert thankfully has left Chicago and this man can go back to his Hollywood rat hole spewing the same political nonsense for another 10 years that he has been doing the last 10 years.

Stephen Colbert serves the Democrat establishment serving and promoting the lies on corporate media and this man is the walking definition of corporate media and the global corruption ownership of it to being their puppet. Stephen Colbert sang the 7th inning stretch disgracing the legacy of

Harry Carey at Wrigley Field and essentially Stephen Colbert's Gastley appearance at the friendly confines in Shrine that is Wrigley Field was a dark day in the history of this glorified ballpark. Stephen Colbert is a

fucking disgrace and a dumb clown who speaks with forked tongue and dumbass and anything political that comes out of his dumb mouth should be tongue and cheek as this man has no credibility. Stephen Colbert lacks integrity and the man has always been a jackass and a half. The fact that there are even fans of this silly goose is utterly amazing and most likely it is the extremist and the far-left that support such a unfunny and bonehead of a so-called "comedian".

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