Fuck the Foo Fighters

     Archie Bannister

    Responding to the critics of their far left fans the Foo Fighters came out and cried and bitched about them not giving Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr permission to play their music for their past rally the Foo Fighters are just another far left liberal group and when news came out then the Trump and Candy paid royalties many people mocked this has been 90s group the Foo Fighters are a disgrace and instead of celebrating that and being happy that

Donald Trump would choose and pick their song to play at a rally these leftist son of bitches complained, but were in complete denial of the reality. The reality was as musical whores they put their music up for auction and indeed Trump and his campaign paid the services that distribute the music that unfortunately for the Foo Fighters they do not own. The Foo

Fighters are just another typical musical libtard act that likely was promoted and given a push by the music Mafia industry for their political beliefs. This rock group was unmercifully and deservingly mocked online for their attack on Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr for playing their music even

though the Trump rally long paid for it. The Trump campaign mocked and trolled the Foo Fighters rock group by using one of their lines for a political slogan and whether the Foo Fighters will now cry about this as well in alternating a word or two in one of their songs in their rebuttal to the Foo Fighters is not known. 

    What is known that is the Foo Fighters are another lefty cry tear entertainers who are upset whenever Republicans or conservatives use their music which these fuckers put up for sale to the highest bidder. The appearance of Robert Kennedy Jr to the Foo Fighters song "My Hero" was a political classic and this important endorsement by a huge figure for the great former president and soon to be president

again Donald Trump was a massively successful and loud rally in part helped with the great Foo Fighters song. One would think that these assholes would be appreciative to have their music in a political rally, but given their extreme beliefs and those of some other followers these silly sons of a bitches once again made in mockery of the music mafia industry and individuals and rock groups that we have who are partisan and little cry babies. Fuck the Foo Fighters

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