Israel strikes deep in the heart of Iran taking out two Hamas leaders and sending them to hell

      Clark Kramer

      The IDF showed the world that Israel will hunt down and go after the most extreme terrorists of the region who are waging terroristic warfare against the state of Israel. The willingness of Israel to go deep into the heartland of the Islamic empire of Iran and to get these wicked Hamas Palestinian dog terrorists shows the seriousness of the Israeli State and taking the threats and hate of Palestinian seriously. After October 7th Israel is not fooling around with these terrorists and they quite literally have been bombing the shit out of Gaza in the pro terrorist sympathetic population that is getting their just reward from God. God is hammering the evil Palestinian Pro Hamas Pro Hezbollah demonic antisemitic people who for years have spread the most viroltic hatred against Jewish people and the state of Israel. The idea that

Hamas has a terrorist organization has a right to exist and to feel an army right next door to Israel was a serious mistake agreed upon by the West and Israel is resetting the Middle East boundaries and the order. Israel has long been attacked by these various demonic enemies of the Jewish state and when Israel took out the head of Hamas in named in Iran this was a great thing and a Glory thing that God has allowed. God is on the side of the state of Israel as his children people and make no mistake the Muslims are the Demonic Sons of Satan and possibly as barbarous today as they were when they came out of Mecca and 632. The Jewish state is fighting for its survival and despite the best efforts of the

propaganda of the West and the protest movement funded by Iran, Israel is going ahead and taking the war to these terrorists whether they be in Gaza , in Lebanon, or even in Iran. Israel is not playing around in this deletion of two terrorists' leaders ismail Haniyeh and fuad shukr is further evidence that Israel will continue to take the fight to these demonic and sick people who are likely Guided by Satan and are

certain two serve him serve him in the afterlife as demonic Palestinians. The greater sign this movement needs to be a reality in Israel needs to be expanding its borders and it's population and this war against Palestinians has long been coming given the numerous years that these dog-like people have been attacking Jews and waging war against the state of Israel from both within Israel and on outside their borders

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