Joe Biden in his demented last days names Dr Disrespect as head of surgeon general and Howard Sern as head of Department of Communication and FCC

      Kevin Rooster

    Failed outgoing and 90-year-old geriatric loser one term disgraceful President Joe Biden is going out with a bang. This man has months left to his pathetic administration and we will soon be for the first time in 50 years in our political system Joe Biden free. Joe Biden though according to our sources will be crashing the system with all sorts of executive orders and pardons in his last month as a failed one term president; Biden is clearly the worst president since Miller Fillmore and will be forgotten quickly in history. From our sources Joe Biden's going to name Doctor Disrespect as Surgeon General while at the same time naming geriatric asshole Howard Stern to head the FCC and the Department of Communication. Slow Joe Biden is a nothing but trouble horrible nightmare of a President who likely used the covid fear mongering the Chinese scam of 2020 to steal election and to end the tariffs against China along with opening up the borders and profiteering of people migration. Joe Biden is going to make all sorts of psychotic appointments and changes, and we honestly think both of these scumbags

Doctor Disrespect and the geriatric butter-brain chicken shit former shock jock Howard Stern into major positions of power in a Biden to how much Kamala Harris Administration if the Democrats steal another election. What do you hear that right now Joe Joe Biden's un fit to run for another administration, yet this old fool is allowed to continue to be president and we need to enact the 25th Amendment right now pronto and to replace Joe Biden... even with a Kamala Harris right now. In no way is biting Biden in any position or mental capacity to run the government and it is shocking that the Democrats have not

enacted the 25 amendment and made Kamala Harris the 47th president right now as we enter the election and they could be making history. They could make history putting her the first black female president as there is a strong chance that she would not get elected in November and they might as well as make history and have Harris replaced.

            Slow Joe Biden for these next upcoming 3 to 4 months will make some of the most deranged selections and appointments. Joe Biden is an idiot who quite literally is it's possible that he would do all sorts of crazed appointments and decisions in his final months such as the appointments of a video gaming Doctor Disrespect and former talk radio host who last was relevant in the late 1980s into major positions of power of the government. Joe Biden made an ass of himself the other day as he walked up

into a jet that was not taken off and he had no plans to fly while walking around the airport with Kamala Harris. Clearly Joe Biden is out of his brain and unable to comprehend anything that his staff and handlers tell him and how the Democrats can continue to pretend Joe Biden is the actual president and in power is indicative of the stupidity of those presenting this imagery of Joe Biden being in power.

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