Joseph Paul Watson destroys Oprah Winfrey and her Democratic Convention speech

    Wally Jackon  

     The absurdity of multi-billionaire and perpetual jackass Oprah Winfrey and claiming to be a victim of racism despite being one of the richest persons on the planet was visibly and nauseating seen at the Democratic National Convention. This horrific on talented and undeserving multi-billionaire woman it's nothing but a outlet for money corruption and the race redistribution networks back in the day that continues to this day. Oprah Winfrey gave one the more repulsive speeches at the Democrat National Convention complaining and preaching about racism when this woman who has absolutely no talents became one of the biggest media stars and highest paid once ever seen. Paul Joseph Watson of the internet utterly destroyed Oprah Winfrey and perhaps the best takedown of this disgusting multi-billionaire just horrible stupid woman who spoke at the Democratic National Convention. Oprah Winfrey was once again doing the racial division and race grifting that has paid her so well and this luxury of Industry seems to have unlimited monetary and banking funding for pieces of shit like Oprah Winfrey. The absurdity and scrutiny of Oprah Winfrey's speech was done by Paul Joseph Watson as he utterly destroyed this ugly woman who is a childless cat lady with too much influence in the world and Paul Joseph Watson mocked the idea that Oprah Winfrey was ever oppressed in life. Paul went on to list all the insane properties this bitch owns and all of them in total are of excess of 500 million and is a fraud to say given the

amount of work and what she produced at ABC Disney in media. What this stinker Oprah was paid as much as she was totally was undeserving and a media and I reckon pieces of shit like Oprah Winfrey getting the millions and millions of dollars why no one trusts the media these days Oprah Winfrey lies out of her ass about racism and basically, she's repeating the talking points of a corrupt global system that wants to wreck countries and cultures with race divisions and racial grifting.     

    Oprah's speech at the Democratic National Convention showed why she earned so much money as Paul Joseph Watson said that Oprah Winfrey is paid the billions to spread misinformation and nonsense as she did at the Democratic National Convention and indeed nonsense is the epitome of what Oprah Winfrey is and has earned in a sick media dominated world that wants to pick and choose who gets to be the mega billionaires regardless if they deserve it make no mistake Oprah Winfrey only received the billions of dollars from the

media through the years because she was a black woman and the audacity that she would come on the stage of the Democratic National Convention and act like black women are oppressed is indeed reprehensible and this woman has always been a disgusting and atrocious  media whore Oprah Winfrey absolutely had no business to be on the stage of a political convention and the mixing of corrupt media and whores like Oprah Winfrey with our political system is an intended consequence of the corrupt classes that dominate politics.

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