JP Sears humiliates and embarrasses Kamala Harris in an interview from hell

 Rusty Stone

    A disastrous interview for Kamala Harris as the failed Democrat primary non-candidates and appointed nominee spoke and talked to the great JP sears of we Lie To You News. JP Sears mock the Democrat party's obsession and talking  Kamala Harris of the need to preserve and protect democracy and he wondered how since no one voted for her can she call herself democrat. In addition, JP Sears asked Kamala Harris how many times did she get on her knees to advance her career which Miss Harris refused to answer JP Sears also wondered why Kamala Harris is so woke as she made her announcement on a

transvestite Rude Paultranny hour television show. The failures of Kamala Harris and her lack of action and lack of knowledge and lack of duty on the border as the borders problems also questioned by Mr Sears wondering why she's ignoring the outrage of her complete border failure. JP Sears also wondered about the filming of the Obama's call with her on her cell phone and why there was two camera men trailing and following her and whether this phone call with the Obama's was real or fake and staged in order to have the media manipulate this and put much importance in video show.

     Mr JP Sears asked a lot of tough questions and the usual answer of this incompetent failed former vice president trying to be president was just a big word salad and the familiar Kamala Harris non-answer and dumb answer that she loves to produce from her demented brain. Kamala Harris is a

psychopath and we will continue to say that this country be better off with Kamala the former WWF large Ugandan Giants being president and for Kamala Harris this was a devastating interview that looked bad. Don't hold your breath and make no mistake for Kamala Harris and more exposure of the

incompetency and crazy answers needs to be spread to make an awareness that this woman is indeed a dipshit and should not be running for the highest office of the land

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