Nick Johnson gets chased out of a homeless encampment in Anchorage

Rex Reed Jr

   The great YouTuber vacation perpetual vacationer Nick Johnson loves to travel and video all his locations one of his emphases often is homeless encampments which shocks and disgusts Mr Johnson and he highlights as often on his YouTube channel. Nick Johnson happened to be an Anchorage,Alaska and was talking to a woman for several minutes in a massive homeless encampment and a tent city in the woods when several other tent homeless and campers had issues and started yelling and throwing things at Mr Johnson. The

homeless meth heads threw expletives threating to take Nick Johnson's expensive camera equipment and Nick Johnson was man on the run as he grabbed his equipment and got the fuck out of Dodge. 

     The last thing Mr Johnson wants is an actual confrontation with these meth head in these homeless encampments and he was fucking around and finding out with the miseries of these bozos. Nick Johnson had been crying around this particular homeless campo in Anchorage that he cannot believe how big as he ended his 3-month Hawaiian video YouTube recording putting up several videos of his encounters in Hawaii. It

appears now that Nick Johnson is in the way North state of Alaska as he will be releasing several videos there and his Alaska vacation YouTube video vlogging work.  So far Johnson's videos hit off like a with a bang after this near beatdown in a homeless encampment Nick Johnson is fucked around a lot with the encampments and he was getting more courageous to go into them and start interviewing people before this

incident incurred and this might be the last time people see Nick Johnson ever pull this shit again and interview homeless and Camp homeless people in the actual encampments where other homeless people are around.

Thankfully for Nick Johnson's huge fan base on YouTube he was not harmed and he ran out of there quicker than a zebra will move out of the planes of Africa whenever a big cat gets near. We look forward to more great videos in the upcoming days of Nick Johnson and his Alaskan Adventures is this man is one of the more premier YouTubers out there who videograph and logs the problems of modern society with his logger head channel.

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