Psychopath race hustler Charlamagne Tha God threatens the Supreme Court calls them corrupt tries to bring more hate against them

 Red Dirty

Bad Head Times

      The elderly reprehensible dirt wad known as Charlemagne the God who should be more appropriately named Charlemagne the Dog , is once again threatening the Supreme Court about a month ago Charlamagne the God said that the Supreme Court has no legitimacy as he has been making the rounds as one of the biggest media attackers against the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. This disgusting black supremacists and bald head hates the Supreme Court and is doing everything in his power to dehumanize them and perhaps even bring endangerment to its members.

Charlemagne the God had an interview that was so crazed from the Hill that he says the Supreme Court will hand Donald Trump a victory even if he loses the election. Without evidence this psychopath and bald head black supremacist is making these evil and wicked fake future predictions assertions in order to bring about more hatred and heat against the Supreme Court. 

       What Charlemagne the God is doing is attempting to delegitimize the important the role of the Supreme Court in our checks and balances because Charlamagne the God is a media monarch, a disgusting troll. and a fascist in his dark heart. To say that Charlemagne the Dog's heart is black would be understated and he would accuse you of being a racist for saying such a thing. this disgusting boring and dumb media personality that somehow is pressed and pushed like a WWE undeserving wrestler keeps saying the stupidest shit imaginable, yet he is never canceled. This most likely is because he is able to get away with saying

the stupid shit that Charlie the weirdo often says and he gets away with it because of his black skin. However, make no mistake what Charlamagne the God is attempting to do is dangerous not only to our government but to these individual Supreme Court members. 

    Charlamagne the Dog is attempting to bring hatred against the Court members that could endanger their actual lives given the recent assassination against Donald Trump and this man needs to be put in his place and stop these lunatic ideas and obsessive deranged thoughts that are inside the bald head and twisted brain of Charlemagne the God. This dipshit and his ridiculous interview with the Hill making the prediction that Donald Trump will lose the election and then use the Supreme Court to declare himself the winner is absolutely

complete lunacy and again this is another individual who should have a white jacket with no sleeves wrapped tightly around his body and bald head. Charlamagne the Dog is a low IQ individual and with this jacket should be pushed into a room with padded walls where he cannot bring any harm to himself or others and essentially this idiot who calls himself a god needs mental safeguarding and health in order to bring him back to normality and common Sense

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