Robert Kennedy Jr joins Donald Trump in Arizona to a raucous rally and shows him his full support

 Clark Kramer

           The biggest nightmare for the Democrat Party occurred the other day is Robert Kennedy Jr has dropped out and refused to play spoiler for the Democrat Party. Robert Kennedy Jr appeared with Donald Trump and gave his full supports at the rally in Arizona in a shocking change of political events that took all the headlines away from the Democrat fascist party and their craze clown show and shit show convention in Chicago. The fact that Robert Kennedy Jr will join forces is an indication of the regression of the Democrat Party as Jr does not recognize anymore and who he called it as a fascistic undemocratic governance and process. Kennedy Jr was screwed over in the Democratic primary and essentially Joe Biden had it all planned out to stay in the race late before dropping and bowing out to Kamala Harris so she would not have to go through the humiliation of another primary defeat and embarrassment woman handling that Tulsi Gabbard dished out to her.  

        Robert Kennedy Jr will now be joining Trump and there are rumors that he might be named Secretary of State or CIA director which would be awesome as Kennedy Jr hasn't been better and would work hard against the corrupt Democrats monsters we have in our political system. The Democrat party has been taken over by these Batman villain undemocratic socialists, weirdos, homosexuals, drug pushers, transgenders, black supremacists, criminals, gangsters,

Naroc human smugglers, and overall corrupt businesspeople who would sell their own mothers for five bucks.  All sorts of wild and crazed human beings who are now part of this political party that resembled much m ore of the old Baath Middle Eastern party of Iraq, Syria, and Egypt than your great grandfathers and grandfather's democratic party. The United States is attack from is being attacked from the Communists and new Baathists from within and Robert Kennedy Jr has seen his family's political party been overtaken by these evil force but joining up with Kennedy Jr with Donald Trump is sending shock waves to the paranoid Democrat fascist and Kennedy Junior appeared on stage with Donald Trump saying he's willing to work together for a better country and more unity and to save the children from this corporatocracy that puts drugs in bad food into them brainwashes them to want this stuff. 

     Robert Kennedy Jr has been a patriot and a brave man throughout his life and it was natural for him to hook up with another one Informer successful president Donald Trump and perhaps Robert Kennedy Jr will continue and carry the mantle that Trump has carried with a pro-American force over the globalist Democrats who are all about the American dollar no matter where it comes from and who tells them what to say and act. The evil force that is within the Democrat Party must be fought viciously back against and we must preserve the integrity of our election and not allow the shenanigans they occur during the 2020 election when a fascist and disgusting unpopular Joe Biden was elected through ballot harvesting and political malefices.  

      Robert Kennedy Jr wants nothing to do with such a communistic modern day fascist Democrat Party and he and his five to seven percent voting percentages likely will be up and most of this will go to Donald Trump in general election Robert Kennedy Jr came on stage to a incredible chorus of cheers from the MAGA crowd and he spoke for a few minutes of the importance of making America great again and getting this country back on track. Kennedy knows that if he stayed in the race he would only be helping he put his opposition who has no interest in helping this country improve better and basically the Democrat Party is a lobbying party and group for foreign interest and money. This great Kennedy Junior support news followed a week of harassment by the Democrats at their convention which fished hoaxes and lies on Trump and have gained all the headlines and support from what is otherwise a sick and pretend media that essentially is state Democratic party media that is untrustworthy. Indeed, the media and likes of CBS, ABC Disney, CNN, and MSNBC are increasingly under scrutiny for their extreme political partisanship and the media is becoming more and more untrustworthy by the day with their smears and lies against political opponents which now officially includes the great Robert Kennedy Jr.

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