The meeting of the segregated ping pong team meeting the segregated men's basketball Olympic basketball team demonstrates the segregation overall in America

    Payton Jenkins

      During the Olympics a weird event occurred. The all-black National Basketball Association Olympic team made up professionals were getting ogled, and he visits from America's ping pong national team the meeting of these two Spirits Sports made the rounds on the internet Tik Tok and the news media and America's ping pong team could have been straight out of Beijing. Not one member of the American Ping Pong team was a Non-Asian and when they met the men's basketball team there was not

even one person who was not a black or mulatto. This despite the left's spirit for racial and ethnic segregation in a country that is obsessed with equity and diversity was odd and very few people made this odd connection of these all-Asian female ping pong team. These ping pongers might of been looking for rich black NBA boyfriends most likely not realizing that these men were professionals and most of them were married or in multiple relationships as the players that they are. 

       The fact that there was no discussion about how the teams were so racially segregated was made in this DEI country is typical of the hypocrisy of the whole Dei situation and those that push such radical belief systems onto the rest of the country has no problem when a team is racially segregated with minorities. In fact in the last 40 years only two members of the Men's National Basketball Association have been Caucasian. When one contrast that with the racial disparities with a racial makeup of this country one would beg to make a

difference that there is something wrong with this fact.  Yet somehow this issue is never addressed however if Major League Baseball drops under 15% black there is major media issue of talk and a discussion of the problem of the racial makeup of the sport and the failures of the game addressing racial recruiting and attempting to make more people feel welcome. The hypocrisy of this could not be understated and we've often brought this up as something that should be discussed more of getting more inclusion into the sport of basketball from underrepresented groups. 

       Likewise, the American ping pong team should not be 100% Asian and look like the team in China and again the DEI people need face to look at their own minority dominated sports in assessing and making demands for more diversity and inclusion. Ping Pong is a simple game that should be played by all and if it is not then the actual discussion of it deserving to be in the Olympics should be made. Whether Stephen Curry and LeBron James got their stick and balls sucked at this meeting with the Asian girls is not known and the ping pong distractions could play in the solution and question to their lackluster play where they were almost eliminated and embarrassed on several occasions.

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