What the fuck is Mina putting on her face when she could have a natural from her boyfriend

    Gino Frobel

    The number of women and social media influencers grifting and trying to brainwash other young women that they need to constantly put shit on their face and cream for the cream industrial complex is utterly disgusting. I cannot believe in and write often think that half of Tik Tik is made up of these female makeup and cream face grifters who are paid heavily by these companies to push and promote the idea that women have to put fucking cream on their face every hour on the hour. There is this woman on

Tik Tok named Mina and she is constantly putting makeup acting like she's a princess and indeed this quote 'princess narcissism" called is something that these make up and fuck cream companies are making huge offerings and money from sucker women. 

     Perhaps one of the reasons that women are put in so many top jobs these days is to keep this Ponzi scheme going in the amount of money that women spend on makeup and fuck face cream is utterly reprehensible and disgusting. Mina would get the same effect having her boyfriend shoots him on her face and perhaps even more natural benefits then the shit and chemicals she's putting on her face in her grifting Tick Tock videos and these videos are quite literally a fucking joke and more of a reason that the the female

gender is often further fucked up in the head. Mina put so much fucking cream on her face and pushes his idea in her videos as a princess Italian that women must purchase these unnecessary and expensive items. Make no mistake globalism and the large makeup and face cream companies are indeed using social media to their best ability meaning is just another grifter

pushing face cream which is a scam and does absolutely nothing despite their claims. Again this woman should just get a husband or a boyfriend and have him pop on her face and she would get the same effect than wasteful spending money on this face cream

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