Why Black Conservative Perspective Gregory Foreman mocks black supremacist Roland Martin as he calls for the firing of Jesse Waters

    Max Bald

    Radical far left lunatic and black supremacists Roland Martin was just one of many liberals going off on Fox News Jesse Watters for making a joke about Kamala Harris somehow Jesse Waters singing generals and others would have their way with Kamala Harris struck a nerve in the perverted minds of black supremacists Roland Martin who took it as a sexual innuendo. He was joined by other low class in lower ranked Tik Tok social media idiots who have been pressing and hammering Jesse Waters by making a call for Fox News to fire this great talk show hosts. If Jesse Waters is making the political left and the likes of scum Roland Martin - who is he

committed black supremacist and open about it -- angry then Jesse Watters is doing his job on Fox News. Kamala Harris is a atrocious candidate and what Mr Waters was saying is in time of conflict and war she would be weak in discussing war strategy and preventing of it with the generals in the US military. 

    The idea that Roland Martin would make a sexual perversion observation is on his sick and perverted mind as it is on these misogynist women who are so upset that anyone dare criticism their Kamala Harris .These maniacs were mocked by the Black Conservative Perspective host Gregory Foreman who played their Tik Tok videos and the anger that Jesse Watters has put into their deranged minds. The highlight of Mr Foreman's podcast though was his bashing of black supremacists and lunatic Roland Martin whom Gregory Forman has exposed and attacked several times rightfully so. Roland Martin is an extremist and a radical far-left black supremacist who has done everything and loves to poke racial antagonism and division, and this man quite literally is a race hustler and a grifter for

those who want to divide American by race. If anyone should be fired it is not Jesse Waters it is this scumbag Roland Martin who should not be in any media position, and he should be demonetized and banned off YouTube. 

It is inconceivable that great patriots like Alex Jones of Infowars are not allowed on YouTube but black races such as this jackass Roland Martin is allowed to spread his filth racism and propaganda. Gregory Foreman absolutely leveled the dumbass of Roland Martin and his anger and observations calling for the firing at Jesse Watters and Roland Martin was triggered and cried like a baby at Jesse Watters jokes and clearly this doesn't have anything to do with Jesse Waters and his comment about Kamala

Harris the other day this more has to do with Jesse Waters and his insistent ability to troll the far left and destroy them on his daily show and basically the far left and radical Democrats like jackass Roland Martin, who has an IQ of 50, basically want to silence a voice of the political opposition and one who mocked the left-wing Democrats often.

Roland Martin is a dork and a dream and Gregory Foreman loves whenever there's an opportunity to bash this silly and ugly fuck face that is Roland Martin. Martin by  all counts as one as the weirdest looking individuals I've ever seen. To say that Roland Martin is a far-left dumb mother fucker would be understated really bothers this mother fucker and black supremacist Roland Martin is not Jesse Watters comment about Kamala and the generals it is the daily destruction that Jesse Watters is given to this queen bitch and horrible Democrat on Democrat chosen one in Bad candidate

Kamala Harris Jesse Watters has been dunking on Kamala Harris very successfully every day and this is getting to the deranged triggered mind of Roland Martin and making him sad like a little baby that he is.

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