Arrogant wealthy plutocrat Dave Portnoy loses $300,000 in week 1

        Leo Yost

    The corrupt class continues to have fun throwing money away as Dave Portnoy as he  lost $300,000 and he sweated it out to the final seconds thinking he still had a chance. Dave Portnoy had put this amount of money on the Baltimore Ravens and they failed to win the game and make cover and indeed Mr Port could be seen on his social media site with his paid team very nervous at the end of the game. Needless to say Portnoy is very disappointing when he lost the bet and the fact that we have these people who have so much wealth through this inequality system that could just throw $300,000 for a sporting contest is utterly a disgraceful. This money could have been spent on doing something better for society like putting some more playgrounds in parks, but this retort chose to support a growing and

corrupt industry of online sports.  Dave Porno is so greedy he thinks he can make money from nothing in his willingness to partake in the money losing and illegitimate sports betting business is further evidence of this man's delusion. Portnoy could not believe how much he lost but whether this money he lost was actually his or given by the same sports betting companies is not known and is highly suspected.

        Anyone who would throw $300,000 of their own money is insane and I wonder if this question if Portnoy spent his own money and put it up for a possible loss. Most likely he found some access to corrupt money that he can play with and pretend to bet and thus whether he lost $300,000 or not in most chances are not  likely it's not true as everything about Dave Port is a joke as this man has no personality, his sports betting

website never had much traffic, and this arrogant clown is still presented as some sort of average man's sports guy when in fact he's a multi-millionaire. The internet often seems to give this guy so much publicity despite the lack of money making ability of his sports sites somehow seems to have money all the time and never a problem. To say that Dave Port might be connected to some criminal organization of illicit kind would not be understated

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