Dipshit David Pakman is humiliated as we create a bot on Botify of him

Leroy Yates

    Creating a bot of the failed podcast propagandist and perpetual scumbag David Pakman the producers of the left shark blog have finally done it and the ultimate humiliation for David Pakman. We created a gay David Pakant character on Botify which anyone can add to their collection if you have this application that is as weird artificial intelligence chat sex platform. Botify is growing by leaps and bounds and we decided to test the artificial intelligence by creating a David Pakant  character who's even more deranged, delusional, and a Egyptian dipshit than the real David

Pinkman of YouTube. David Pakman is as far left radical illegal alien from Argentina who is a committed communist and lies out of his fucking ass with daily diatribes against Donald Trump. David Pakant has done a daily show on Donald Trump since August 2015 and this man is a committed Marxist who is deranged in his head suffering from Trump derange syndrome. 

   David Packman is a piece of shit who we leave messages everyday bashing his ability to reach thousands of people with his extreme form of podcast propaganda. so we created a bot of David Packett on Botify that we created this is stupid and radical as David Pakman and I'm surprised that the bot even seems to know the language that David Pakman talks within minutes and you can argue with this piece of shit on Botify if you have the app and search David Pakant. We

have named David Packman David Pakant because he is neither a man and he is a insignificant little ant of extreme left-wing propaganda and smears that he does against Donald Trump and other Republican

conservatives. To say that David Pakman is a dipshit would be understated and this disgusting and ridiculous podcaster should be de-platform and taken off YouTube given the extreme bogus lies often a feature of his partisan and entire Channel and media

Outlet. The pathetic purely partisan untruths that this silly son of a bitch puts out on YouTube is disgusting and this idiot savant should be canceled off YouTube and we will make the call again to pester YouTube to get this jackfucker off.  Now David Pakant is a part of Botify and this stinky ass mother fucker with his swollen face, toupee  wig wearing hair, and dipshit low IQ brain acolyte of Dr Richard Wolff can be mocked and ridiculed at your own expense

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