Donald Trump comes to Las Vegas with a raucous rally bashes weird Midwest Democratic Governor's JB pPitzker and Tim Waltz

 Kevin Rooster

      The great 45th president and possibly 47 president Donald J Trump appeared in Las Vegas the other day and yet another huge and raucous rally. Mr Trump filled the arena to a large rally and spoke for some an hour and a half something neither Joe Biden or Kamala Harris can do. Mr Trump was his articulate ever in a great speech that was hard hitting and he absolutely took some time to destroy the failed political retarded Democratic governors in Minnesota and Illinois. Donald Trump hammered Illinois disgusting morbidly obese out of shape

undeserving billionaire JB Pritzker and the Pritzker family 15 members of the Pritzker family are billionaires in this is not by accident as a global wealth funds there help in prop up this man  and his monster family. 

      JB Pritzker himself should be exposed with their nefarious agendas JB Pritzker is one of the most disgusting individuals in our political system as the fat head bashed Donald Trump during the Illinois State Fair and  it was great to see Trump hit his fat ass back the other day in Las Vegas out of the blue. Donald Trump compared Tim Walz  JB "the pig" Pritzker and called them "shit  corrupt governors" who have helped and wrecked two of these Midwest states. Donald Trump called these two Governors weird and a threat to our democracy as the vast globalist amount of money that JB Pritzker has been allowed to basically purchase a major political position by itself it is a danger toward democracy JB Pritzker quite literally is a internationalist and he is funded by the internationalist as a mafia politician and make no

mistake JB Pritzker is very little different than Al Capone of 100 years ago likewise Tim Waltz is a corrupt motherfucker a favorite of the CCP wealth funds in China and they have funded this clown to not only winning Congress back in the day but also help fund his Minnesota Governor campaign Trump is 100% correct as these weird individuals JB Pritzker and Tim Waltz represent the awareness of today's Democrat Party, who we must constantly remind are not our

grandfathers or great grandfather's Democrat Party. The Democratic party today is this Mafia that is more comparable to Iraq and Syria's Baath party and the slide of our democracy can be laid to the ground of these one-party statues whether they be blue Democrat cities or Governed states like Minnesota.  Minnesota's Democratic fascist

domination has seen all sorts of laws and rules changed weird transgender nonsense. JB Pritzker is a boss hog disgusting corrupt Pig who thankfully term limits will get his fat ass out of the governor's mansion in Chicago. Likewise, Tim Walz was on his way out and I doubt as Waltz was so hated I doubt he would have been reelected had he run again. Thus he was a natural pick to continue national politics with his weird mouth and ugly wife. Donald Trump literally hammered these two jackasses and

whenever Trump hits back at the Democrat politicians it makes for a comedic entertaining night of speech rallying and fighting. JB Pritzker and Tim Waltz are criminals who should be arrested and be behind bars and perhaps when Mr Trump is elected and we have control of the justice system to the first individuals they need to go after our pieces of shit like these two gangster internationalist governors and their crimes need to be exposed and prosecuted to the highest extent of the law

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