DuPage county is not Cook County is a 26th arrest of mopheads at Top Golf in Naperville, Illinois since 2023 shows the blacks they just can't do what they want as in Crook County

    Ed West

     From Naperville

      Once again, another black man into golf was arrested in Naperville's Top Golf and the number of the blacks that have been arrested at this golf center entertainment driving range since 2023 is now 26 . Naperville police routinely patrol Topgolf, and their patrols have brought down of many Cook County fools who don't know the loss in differences between Cook County and DuPage County. Cook County allows black criminals to carry guns and they do very little of the combat it. well DuPage County is not Cook country does the opposite and actually prosecutes and pursues illegal gun carries that primarily the blacks have been doing going between Cook County and Naperville for some reason going to this

golf entertainment and whether Top Golf has some sort of private deal with Black criminals and extorting money to them for free events and food is not known but the fact remains golf is not really popular to the thug and mop head urban community. Something is going on with Top Golf in attracting city thugs likely giving the blacks free and money redistributing free events and evenings of entewrtianment for the blacks.  The vast majority of the blacks arrested in Naperville Topgolf have been from Cook County and places like Chicago, Calumet Park, Maywood and other predominantly black and Cook County neighborhoods essentially they must be getting away all the time caring marijuana,

smoking marijuana and carrying guns and little is done to combat this in Cook County. However, Naperville Illinois is not Cook County and the police routinely look inside cars when they smell marijuana and many of the times they notice guns there left right on the car seat this past week a black thug from Calumet Park, Illinois which is outside Chicago South Side named was arrested as he had a

gun in marijuana all over his fucking front seat and Naperville police cuffed stuffed and arrested the silly jackass and dumbass Naperville, Illinois is not playing around and they do not want criminals thumbing their noses and gun laws of the municipality of Naperville and DuPage County in general and unlike Cook County Chicago the police do not ignore criminals and their gun related crimes and caring and they are more and willing to put these criminals into their local county justice systems and this is a good thing. Sooner or later the number of arrested mop heads from Cook County arrested in  Naperville will go over 50 and then a hundred as these people are unable to comprehend the laws of Naperville and the willingness of the Naperville law enforcement to combat the scourge of black gun crime and drugs

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