Eliza honey does it again takes down Chinese Tri-Quad thugs coming to extort her gym business in China

 Shinzo Yartiger

      Organized crime is out of control in Choina with many business owners suffering from the disorganized mafia state that the CCP Chinese and their mafia communist government has regressed, Eliza Honey runs a gym and ZQX boxing often having to battle tri-quad criminals that often extort on business such as hers and the incredible Tik Tok social media star often battles these thugs ironically is smart enough to video her beat down of these thug criminals who do

battle with her. Eliza honey always comes on top and she never is forced to pay tribute to these criminal organizations. Eliza Honey is the most amazing Tik Tok ta Kwan Do heroes out there and basically this fighter is a trained in the martial arts and her enemies are unable to get her to conform and submit.


  Eliza honey is a bad boss bitch that does not take lightly to these criminal organizations coming and trying to bully troll her around and the strong and ability of Eliza Honey standing up to these thug bugs in China massive, organized crime that many people have no idea or thought that a communist country would allow.  I love Eliza Honey and often suggested we do a collaboration where she does to me like she does to these thugs and just choke necks these fuckers to pass

out. Ms Honey of ZQX boxing is a incredible fighter who often battles these criminal trained fighters and then gets her python type legs around their neck and makes these fucking Tri-Quads and we always highly recommend this channel for people to follow and aid in a fight. I love Eliza Honey and everything she represents, and she is indeed one of the best and most likeable and

interesting Tik Toks through all of the garbage clutter and only great Tik Toks like hers is a reason to have this platform and keep it despite its role as CCP spyware and socialist propaganda. Eliza released a epic video where she battles 6 Tri-Quads to the death and her willingness to stand up to the evil and criminality of one-party state communist mafia state and open and wanton criminality of China is amazing.

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