Howard Stern secretly hates all his fans and not just Trump fans and we contact Monique and Latishafor yet another deathbed with dance

 Stanley Randell

    In yet another call to our favorite South Side deathbed wish dancers we have called Letisha and Monique for yet another Howard Stern death dance. A week or so ago we included him on a list of three but we put a special dance to help speed up the process and bring about Howard Stern's death for the world to see and enjoy. Howard Stern continues to attack Donald Trump telling his fans who would vote for Donald Trump that he hates them and that he should not listen to his program anymore. Now make no mistake this sick fuck Howard Stern was telling the truth for once. The disgustingly pot-faced wig-wearing silly jackass does hate his fans... all his fans. Howard Stern thinks he is a superior to his

listening base given the tremendous amount of contract printed fake money that XM Sirius satellite has given to him. Make no mistake, Howard Stern things of himself as royalty and a king in fact our Stern also often dresses up as a king in role playing during weak sex sessions with his whore wife Beth Otrasky whom he basically purchased. 

      Howard Stern thinks of himself better and smarter than is listening all these in and secret Howard Stern not only hates the Trump voters within his listing base but Howard Stern hates all his listeners. Howard Stern is arrogant big nose, hook nose, foul-mouth loser who has been chosen one for those wishing to spread degeneracy on the airwaves. It got to the point so bad then Howard Stern will actually get banned from the radio the files and filthy disgusting things he often would say on his radio show and satellite radio somehow has given him an opportunity to make millions and millions of dollars despite

having very few listeners somehow because of companies attached and their satellites in space Howard Stern can avoid the vulgar and stringent FCC rules they almost got him banned from radio and without this technology. Mr Stern would never be on any airways Howard Stern is the air getting prick and I called for Latisha and Monique not to do a special dance last night to move their hips in a negative energy way directly towards this disgusting old man that hopefully it's sways him to a dirt nap within a couple of days or weeks. Howard Stern must go and hopefully this death dance and death wish that Laticha and Monique can spiritually do and target someone does land on the ugly face and big nose of Howard Stern

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