Introducing piece of shit Steven Shives as woke wrestling fan and YouTuber bashes Hulk Hogan because he is a Republican and supports

      Jake " the Rabbit" Roberts

Smashing and slandering Hulk Hogan for over 15 minutes a loser YouTuber with 200,000 subscribers named Steven Shives put out one of the most repulsive and reprehensible videos in recent months. This far-left progressive woke bastard bashed and attacked wrestling legend Hulk Hogan as Steven Shives is upset and angered calling Hulk Hogan a piece of shit and loser.  What likely triggered this far-left radical was Hulk Hogan's support of Donald Trump at the

Republican convention and this left-wing Democrat likely had planned a video ever since seeing this. Steven Shives went into the same usual garbage that Hulk Hogan is a rotten individual because he was against unions and Shives made mention of the same

smears other historical stuff on Hulk Hogan faces in unlimited attacks from left-wing tech and wrestling related media. Stupid Shives is actually the piece of shit and as we commented it is his opinion that he thinks Hulk Hogan's a piece of shit while other people may look at his YouTube channel and what Stephen Shives puts out and consider

and this twit Steven Shives as the piece of shit as he is indeed Stevens is a left-wing piece of shit. Shives slanderous attack against Hulk Hogan was more typical nonsense of leftists going after people who support America and Donald Trump. 

    Steven Shives even had the audacity to say that all one has to do is type in Hulk Hogan on a search engine... meaning Google and all these negative stories will appear as if this means anything. I would be willing to bet that every negative story against Hulk Hogan that this piece of shit Steve Shives was talking about was written by left wing shills and hacks like him likely at The Daily/Beast Huffington Post and other left-wing liberal and extreme radical websites. Steve Shives also would never say these

things to Hulk Hogan's face even in the modern day and I will be willing to bet a near 70-year-old Hulk Hogan could still beat the shit of this soy boy left-wing dumb motherfucker that is Steven Shives and his YouTube channel all the content that this guy produces are partisan, communist, Democrat ideology and thinking with a wrestling slant. Naturally this socialist podcaster would have a problem with Hulk Hogan just slandering him because of his politics Stephen Shives you are a piece of shit you likely have always been a piece of

shit and you likely always will be a piece of shit. We'll  be keeping a YouTube eye on your silly right bastard Democratic content. Hulk Hogan was the biggest name in professional wrestling and Steven Shives was a fan and now he does a revisionist as somehow Hulk Hogan is bad because he political backstage to remain and help himself remain a top star as if this is something that is bad and no other top wrestlers have done this in the history of wrestling. Steven Shives is a woke Pokémon .

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