Jimmy Door loves it as Joe Rogan and Matt TYB roast Brian stelter in his return to CNN

 Payton Jenkins

   The weird return of deep state established media personality fat head Brian Selter to CNN has shocked and appalled the Country. Joe Rogan recently had Matt Taibbi and the topic of this bald head twit known as Brian Stelter has become the topic of Taibbi's appearance on Roman's show not too long ago.  Brian Stelter was fired some months ago much to the glee of half the country that follows media. Many could never wonder how someone like Brian Stelter and his structure and looks was able to retain a

corporate mainstream media position and the whiny voice and ugly look of Brian Stelter has been mocked ruthlessly through the years. This happened again as Joe Roman had Mr Taibbi being together Mr Roman and Taibbi roasted Brian Stelter and his lack of media skills or what he brings to the table. Brian Alka Stelzer is a dump frump who like fellow fatty Michael Moore needs to get hos fat ass to a gym. Jimmy Door play the video of Mr Joe Roman and Matt Taibbi could not stop talking about this meat head clown Brian Stelzer and how this man has continued the con his way into corporate media jobs and they wonder if the enormous hate out there. 

     Brian Stelzer has is somehow seen as an asset from CNN. Jimmy Dore laughed as Rogan and  Matt Taibbi talked about Helter Stelter and his voice and the one town that he does has is an ability to keep getting hired by this failed news organization CNN .Joe Roman said that Brian Stelter is a perfect talking point propagandist and this man is willing to do and bend over for any gig the CNN tells him and the loyalty to spreading misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation as Robert Kennedy Jr would say likely is the key in Mr Stelter and getting hired for these media jobs. Brian Stelter is one of the stupidest and dumbest looking individuals around and the fact that CNN wants to put shit head like him as their representation is utterly reprehensible. This network will continue to face low ratings and scrutiny from people talking about the corrupt media and the misrepresentation they represent. In no real world will Brian Stocky and his bald head would have a major CNN Network international network and matt Taibbi wondered what kind of clown world are we in where Brian Stelzer is the voice for the news in America.  Clearly CNN is trolling Matt Taibbi said and Jimmy Door agreed with the statement as CNN is putting people out to draw energy even if it is negative as they have no shame thus they keep hiring people and scum like Stelzer. Brian Stelzer has one of the stupidest voices in media and this putz somehow will once again be in front of the cameras and lecturing and lying to the American people through his work that CNN enables for this hairless fat head. 

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