Michael Savage radio veteran right wing insane podcaster goes off on San Francisco and how he observed it decline with the homos

 Jackie Butterworth

       Michael Savage on his podcast the other day former radio host right-wing Michael Savage unloaded on the homosexual population for ruining the city of San Francisco. The right-wing crazed talk show host spoke about how he was growing up and basically Michael Savage appeared to speak about how upset he is about the decline of San Francisco because all his favorite restaurants are gone. Michael Savage is his man was such a favorites icon of the restaurant industry he quite literally must have had deals everyday to be able to afford to eat at the high-class restaurants at the fisherman's wharf that he is

so mad so sad are no longer there. Michael Savage went on to say how San Francisco went to have a dark turn during the AIDS crisis which essentially is Michael Savage once again bashing the LGBQTAii community and blaming them and not the economic inequality policies of Ronald Reagan for the decline of the city and the state as Reagan ruled a long time of massive growth and greed helping initiate the transition of California into Kalifornia.

      The decline of the state cannot be soley put on Democrats. Once again Michael Savage is showing his ability to overhype modern decline and it seems like the main issue that Michael Savage is upset is all his top restaurants in his beautiful city of San Francisco have gone down under which he blames to the homeless and homosexual communities Dr Michael Savage has studied Immunology and is an expert of

this as he recalled when he worked in a gay health clinic and then as the AIDS crisis kicked in Michael sandwich was man on the run and got the hell out of there. For some reason Michael Savage blames the tolerance of San Francisco for its decline instead of talking about the decline of health mental institutions to help the mentally ill that was a trademark of the Republican Reagan and Bush Administration. Clearly the closing of mental institutions in San Francisco along with the economic decline the rest of the country play the part in the decline in the San Francisco what doctors average

doesn't say as a right-wing propaganda is many homeless people from other parts of the country gravitated and continue to gravitate to the Bay Area due to its rare and incredible year-round climatic superiority and this plays more of a part in the decline of his beautiful Jewel of the city that he is so upset. Michael Savage needs to tell the truth and the truth is the economic decline was brought about by people like him who are greedy and took too much of the economy so they can go to their very beloved and expensive restaurants on a daily basis it is also the urban greed of the economic Lord Masters that Michael Savage belong to who dominates so much of the common to explain more of dark turns in American cities and a massive inequality that Michael Savage did not explain one time that exists in San Francisco and throughout America likely it's a cause of the pain and the dark turn that he observed of people getting angry and creating more chaos and property damage if inequality is not addressed. Michael Savage and his dog will see more and more restaurants go under and destruction of property of them as the likes of Michael Savage want to find wine and dine and ignore the societal and economic problems of others in his own country. Dr Savage says he recalls when San Francisco really started going down his he was at one of his daily expensive restaurant trips and he looked out the

window and saw a man take a dump on the streets. Now it never occurred to Michael Savage the man taking a shit was not in a economic situation through the massive inequality I was sitting like San Francisco to have his own apartment or home with a bathroom attached it never occurred to Dr Michael Savage and maybe this man was taking a shit because now the oppressive economic inequalities and no opportunities for certain individuals. Clearly Dr Michael Savage is in this bubble where he thinks that he is privileged to constantly eat at these restaurants and no longer exist in San Francisco and triggered and upset Michael Savage went on to complain about how the city of San Francisco has become a shit city in his lifetime and it all started from the moment he saw the disgusting site in the eighties of a man taking a dump when he was eating lobster and steak out with his dog teddy in a very expensive Italian restaurant. The restaurants that Michael Savage used to go out 30 times a week and enjoy discounted meals no longer exist in I reckon is primarily because of the greed that Michael Savage as represented through all these years

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