Nick Shirley comes to Ukraine and sees where all the US tax money is going in fancy restaurants, expensive jewelry, clothing and fast expensive cars

       Milton Wiener

      Independent journalist YouTuber extraordinary Nick Shirley made the trip to the Ukraine and posted on tick tock. Nick Shirley surely knows the vast amount of corruption in the money that is going to Ukraine to fight the unwinnable war with a bigger neighbor who's a nuclear power. Nick made a video walked around downtown

Kiev and saw all the expensive cars and wealth extravagant lifestyles many of these people in this neighborhood. Nick observed nearly all of the people were wearing expensive items

and saint Nick wonder how much of these people's wealth came from United States and the freebie that the United States keep sending to your Ukraine in the multimillions every month. Every month it seems like Ukrainian dictator undemocratic leader Volodymyr Zelensky comes to this country and begs for money and the Democrats open them a checkbook and write whatever he wants.

     Nick Shirley says that this warning Ukraine is the most aggressive expansion of NATO and that basically the West has caused this war that has killed some 200,000 Russians. Nick Shirley says and showed the expensive cars that these Ukrainians have and wonder if there's some cahoots with the car companies in diverting money and

getting these people to purchase crazy expensive luxury brands. The vast amount of wealthy cars expensive cars that Nick Shirley walked around cannot be understated. Nick looked around and saw the all the extra evidence extravagant people and their expensive items Rolex

watches $500,000 gold chains, and Italian sofa shoes something doesn't smell right as Nick Shirley walked around and wondered how all these people in this war and torn country got this wealth and how much of US taxpayer money is contributing to it. Nick

Shirley was shocked and appalled with what he saw in Ukrainian and decided to post it on his various social media accounts and indeed he's going to do a major studying video on Ukraine and where and what exactly this money is going. We look forward to this coming video expose from Nick Shirley who is a great up and coming fact checker and investigative reporter. Surely something is not right in both Denmark and Ukraine and don't call Nick ...Shirley.

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