Spicy and the Loonies prank team trolls Kamala Harris Tim Waltz fans at the Minnesota State Fair

       Albert Rooney

      The Looney's prank channels on the fastest growing incredible YouTube prankers out available they are run by this weird looking dude named Spicy and this big nose Dave Berksen looking Looney and together the two love to troll and make fun of people wherever they get a chance. The top blonde nose Looney appeared at the Minnesota State Fair looking for Tim Waltz as they had all sorts of weird political policies that he and Spicy wanted people to sign and collect signatures. The loonies team looked for as many weird Tim Walz Kamala Harris fans as they could and together the two found many Deranged middle age Karens and Clarks who precisely fit the Democrat Party narrative and demographic. Minnesota is a massively libshit corrupt American state and indeed

thanks to foreign dependent money and a massive welfare program through politicians like Tim Waltz, this state is in the blue and will always be as Minneapolis is a dangerous corrupt hell hole. This dangerous city has regressed into a turd world crime hole thanks to determined Democratic policies that protect and wish to help criminals and the mentally disturbed residents to do as they please. 

      The loonies team of spicy and the other big nose dude went around and pretend to be Trump supporters trying to get Democrat Kamala Harris signatures to change their votes and offering some sort of fake coupons.  The Looney's angered so many far leftists that I was actually worried about their safety as after all this state fair was in a far-left part of the states and the loonies crew pretending to be Trump supporters could be a dangerous situation to put themselves into and they humiliated a fat woman who clearly was a heavy Kamala supporter. Indeed the radical left supports Kamala Harris because they know back in her day she was a Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez socialist psychopath that we all know of her now. Kamala Harris was a failed and horrible politician and the loonies prank crew tried to show this with various flyers of her complete failures as a Kalifornia attorney general and a horrible US senator for the state of Kalifornia that totally declined under her watch that the idea that this woman is a presidential nominee is an absolute absurdity and likely a CCP troll. The Loonie YouTube crew meanwhile just trolled the shit out of Democrats at this Minnesota State Fair and angered all these Karens and old people like they usually do in their amazing prank channel.

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