Watermelon hog feeding becomes the rage in China

      Jake Glass

Animal Stories

      An incredible search in watermelon hog feeding has been taking place in China in the past four or five  months as some vloggers have been getting millions and millions and millions of views. Hog farmers and their watermelon feeding has been popping up all over the tik tok and Chinese social media sites and podcasts some of these amazing stars make funny jokes and a talk show setting has a feed their Hogs watermelon While others just laboriously tend to the difficult task of cutting watermelons and

throwing them to the Hogs while sweating under the hot sun. Whatever the case, these hog watermelon feeders are becoming real big and superstars in China including our funny our favorite Lenny Yang who is this Chinese guy that basically cuts watermelon in the 95° Sun and profusely sweating and  delusionally talking to himself in a daze state. 

     So far I have discovered 15 hog watermelon feeders and this is indeed a huge rage it is almost like black female twerking in the United States. Lenny Yang almost passed out from heat exhaustion the other day is he for three to four hours cut watermelon and fed it to the 100 or so Hogs that sit behind him. 

    The other podcasters and vloggers of feeding watermelon to pigs don't seem to be as neurotic and eccentric and more normal than Lenny and they all have their own unique and funny bit of trying to entertain the huge and growing Chinese audience interested in watching hogs eat watermelon. The hilarity of these vloggers meticulous cutting watermelon and having a host throw it to them behind their back in a big pot of water. The big pot of water is filled with massive numbers a huge watermelon that

need to be picked up, scooped, broken, chopped, sliced, diced priced and thrown to the Pigskins behind them this amazing and unique style is only something that can come straight out of Compton or China. This is an amazing watch especially Yang's hogermelons under the 95° heat in Chinese Kobi desert cutting up watermelon for the Hogs as well surviving on it. 

     The pigs that farmer Yang has are quite literally turning into watermelon they are eating so much. Little is known about Lenny Yang and I have a hard time finding more on his channel and some have suggested he is a Chinese slave week owned by the Orange dictator Jinping Xi. We highly recommend Chinese watermelon hog farmers and their incredible videos as a unique and interesting new internet meme and possibility for the world to enjoy and discover.

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