Woke weird musician Eddie Vedder comes to Wrigley Field bashes Trump and has deranged moment

       Clark Kramer

      Mark yet another music cultist in Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam getting involved in a place where they don't belong talking about politics. Eddie Vedder stopped his concert at Wrigley Field which was seen all over Tick tock by these elites who love going to concerts in order to highlight their lives on social media.  I really think this is the only reason these old trolls and musicians like Eddie Vedder exist to serve the international cartel and give them events to go to that are very high price and then they can post themselves on social media. This was a case this past week as many people posted \Tik Yoks of the Pearl Jam concert at Wrigley Field as the big Cub fan and perpetual jackass libtard Eddie Vedder stopped and spoke about politics.

      Eddie Vedder says that we need to get better politics and not divisive people and without naming Donald Trump by name as not wanting to offend his Pearl Jam Trump fans. Eddie Vedder went on to talk about divisive politicians from both sides of the aisle he doesn't care who you vote for as he told his packed audience and Wrigley Field who wanted to see this 50-year-old guy sing and not shill for politics. Vedder is a shill for Democrats and he is in addition a shell of his former self and not even close to his 20 year old voice. Eddie Vedder just told the people to vote and participate more and then we need more Unity and need for  yada yada yada and the woke and stupid Eddie Vedder is a complete disgrace and should shut his trap hole and play music. Eddie Vedder will be another musician who will be playing into his eighties and you will see many more Pearl Jam rock concerts in a places where they should not have it such as Wrigley Field. 

    The last I looked Wrigley Field is a baseball park and not a rock venue they complete corruption and absurdity of these summer concert seasons serves the wealthy classes for an event of status that they can go to and spread newsworthy events and pretend that they are of some important social media megaphone. Eddie Vedder look like a fucking old man and a joke and how people spend their own money if they do to go to rock concerts and see these over the hill patsies like Eddie Vedder still sing

pretending that they're in their twenties is an absolute disgrace. Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam is a cult and it's cult like atmosphere was seen with many of these Tik Tokers saying that this is the fourth concert that they went to and perhaps Eddie Vedder's best. Now if someone has so much money that they can go to four Pearl Jam concerts in one year it's just an exposure of the economic corruption and inequality that we have in todays society. This silly bastard Eddie Vedder economically thrives in such a discondition Eddie Vedder can go to hell and the dude seriously needs to consider retirement and he looks like shit

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